Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Movie Recommendation

M ovies are not as good as they used to be and I much prefer the old movies which, while short on special effects were long on good story.
Rear Window is a great one to see if you like suspense and mystery.
It is worth seeing Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly together and Hitchcock movies are always good. Stewart is laid up with a broken leg and takes to watching his neighbors though his rear window. While recuperating he witnesses what he comes to believe is a murder.


  1. One of my favorite Hitchcock movies along with Vertigo and The Birds. Rear Window was the one movie I hated Raymond Burr in.. LOL! I've watched theses movies and other Hitchcock movies many, many times and still enjoy watching them. Have a lovely evening dear Annie. Hugs

  2. Very suspenseful movie. I've seen parts of it but I'm not a fan of Hitchcock or suspense so didn't see it all. I had only seen Raymond Burr on "Perry Mason" so it was interesting to see him as the bad guy. Have a great day.


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