Friday, September 27, 2024

Last Days of September

September is nearly over and it barely just began.
September by the bay is still partly summer with touches of autumn color tossed in for good measure.  The grass and sea plants are turning gold, the air is getting much cooler and the air takes on a new feeling in autumn.
Phragmites is still mostly green but a few are going gold.

Even the bay goes gold near the end of the day and the sky turns to fire.

The sun is still warm and bright in the afternoons but things are changing.  

I must admit that I really do enjoy Autumn.    This last photo has a green anomaly in it and I have no clue what it is except that I photographed right into the sun and maybe that did something.  These photos are not the best but, I need to get out and take some more soon.


  1. Lovely photos. Nature's first green is gold, as the poet says.

  2. Great photos. I also love Autumn and here in Oklahoma it lasts a long time.

  3. Where did September go?? That's a beautiful red/orange sky!


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