z Cottage by the Sea : Cooler with a Chance of Boats

Monday, June 7, 2010

Cooler with a Chance of Boats

ummer is coming fast and the sailers are taking over the water.
The weather has been awfully hot and terribly humid with threats of tornado and thunderstorms which never appeared, happy to say.
Then last night a burst of cold air hit and it was heavenly. Today is cool and refreshing and if the hot weather never comes back it will be too soon.

I really hate the heat. When I lived in Florida for a very short time the summer was the most humid I ever experienced save for one time in Dallas where it was 105 and as humid as could be. Awful stuff. What I loved about Florida, and there is much to love, was the smell of the night blooming Jasmine. Heavenly! I also adored the water on the Gulf of Mexico as you were heading down to the Keys. Crystal clear, bathtub warm and such a pretty blue.
Beach people will know what I mean, we compare beaches, water, temps. surfing conditions, it's life you know! And "beach people" are the same from coast to coast and down to the Gulf. We are lost without our beach or, just knowing one is nearby.
I lived in southeastern Ohio for a little bit too and as lovely as it is there, I missed the smell of the ocean.
Always when travelling I ask the same question, "yes, but what's the beach like there?"
Sorry Paris, until you get an ocean front you remain on the 2nd string list.
While I no longer go to the beach to swim or to even sit there in the summer, I do go to just relax in spring, fall and on summer nights.
Have the best Monday.


  1. Hi Annie, I had a nice time catching up here today. I am doing better thank you. I will miss my mama but know I will see her again someday. I hope to get to our local beaches this summer, but our water is cool, in the 70's. Have a great week. Hugs

  2. Hi Annie;

    I too hate the hot humidity type weather. When we get it here, I rarely leave the appartment. There's no beaches close by just lakes. I do miss going and sitting by the beach and watching the waves. I love that sound and miss it. Just like the sound of trains. When I lived closer to the Hudson River, I would here the trains passing and listen for the whistle. I would fall asleep peacefully. I was brought up in the Bronx and loved the sound of the subway. Two of my favorite sounds, ocean waves and trains. ;-}

    Have a lovely evening my friend. Hugs

  3. Hi Annie,
    Happy Monday! I don't like the extreme heat either. And I also lived in Florida in the past...too hot!!!
    I am a happy camper here in Michigan by the lake.
    Glad you have your ocean. :-)


  4. Hi Annie,
    It would be very hard for me to live anywhere where there was not a beach close by. Even though I live in the valley now the beach is just over the hill :) You are right about the bath water of the beaches in the east. Here on the west our oceans water is always cold. I was amazed the first time I hit beaches in the caribbean and Florida how warm the water was. I am not a hot weather gal either ;)
    Have a wonderful week ahead.
    Hugs, Dru

  5. Hi Annie, Oh my another beautiful Header! wow, you are such an exquisite painter, they are so pretty, this one is really striking. You should sell them to people (lol) I just love it. I noticed on the sidebar a link to your headers, OH they are so wonderful! I want them all, heeeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (i'm terrible, I know)

    (Excuse me I got a little carried away there, ahemmmm, so sorry, I got so excited when I saw them)

    I lived in Florida too, for four years and it is beautiful going down to the Keys. We were married barefoot on the beach there. It was so hot, I said my fingernails were even sweating. Although it's about the same here. The ocean temps are about 85 now so that makes it nice if you want to take a dip in the pool haha

    Yes, we are in it for the humidity! We have the night blooming Jasmine here too, it is wonderful!

    Those are beautiful pictures of the Geese, and I love the goslings, they are sooooo cute, and I love the names you gave them. We have two sets now, and they are my babies. I haven't seen them around for a few days. They must have flown the coop.

    Hope your having a great week!

  6. So glad to find another kindred spirit who loves the beach !My kid wanted me to move out to the mid-west . "Nope" . "Why not ?"
    "No surf !" end of story !
    Sandy is right...your headers are wonderful ! You have a talent for painting not only a place , but a mood that draws one in (no pun intended !)
    Enjoy this cooler , less humid day and keep taking those terrific photos !
    Bye for now...

  7. Hello Annie, I agree with what you wrote about beach people, it's there & it's so important. Too bad it's getting very spoiled for us right now. We sure have a high humidity here, it's not as hot as Texas or Florida but 75% humidity makes it a little difficult. Your weather looks heavenly but I guess the ocean is still chilly. Hugs

  8. Hi Annie,
    Just checking in on ya and to drool over your headers again (teeeheeee) I hope your having a great and beautiful day (well, evening now) It looks like you've cooled off rather nicely! Send some cooler weather down here please!

  9. I live in South Florida and it is sooooo hot and humid. The air is sometimes so heavy witht he humidity and my hair has gone wild!!! It's only JUNE!

  10. HI Annie I love this post, I love the beach I was born in Delaware East Coast and I will die on the West Coast. I hope to get closer to the beach I always want to be at the beach, the sea I love it so. Florida is very humid for sure, we could not handle that kind of humidity my husband and I. I have lived in Ohio and New York and they are also humid. Delaware is also humid as well. It's hot on the west coast as well cut the humidity is not as bad most days. I love the dry hot heat but feels like your in a oven in the summer way to hot for me. Enjoy a great weekend big hugs


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