z Cottage by the Sea : Tomatoes

Friday, July 30, 2010


Just three tomato plants in one very large container.
They are the "patio" variety.
I grew them in a container because I wanted them close to the porch where I can get to them easily. (I don't walk too well sometimes)
Since I live alone 3 plants is more than enough for me for summer.
I eat tomatoes almost every single day. They are one of my favorite foods.

Already I have had a good harvest of delicious tomatoes from these 3 plants.
I put marigolds in with them to discourage bugs and it seems to be working nicely.
If I can I might plant some lettuce also. And next year I want to do even more.
I have a very large yard and it seems a shame to waste it.
My plants did well and grew quickly because I used pond water on them which makes a great fertilizer because of algae and fish poo. wink

I hope to be back to better blogging next week but I just have not been up to par lately.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  1. I can practically smell those tomatoes. What a great idea..I will have to try that next year. I tried one of those hanging things..growing tomatoes upside down..and it was a waste of time.

  2. I would love to grow my own tomatoes again Annie, but alas, no place to put even a patio type. They look great and I bet taste delicious too. I'm also a tomato lover and have them in one form or another.

    Feel better my friend and have a lovely weekend. Hugs

  3. Mmmmmmm, I can almost smell your tomatoes, Annie! I eat tomatoes almost every day too, they are so juicy and yummy :) Happy Saturday!

  4. Hi Annie,
    I love tomatoes too. I nevr use to until I had a really good tadting one. They use to just remind me of wet cardboard LOL until I had a really good one. So I am very picky with my tomatoes. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Shabbath Shalom
    Hugs, Dru


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