z Cottage by the Sea : Rainy Day

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Rainy Day

A day of gently drizzling rain. Not enough yet, but a start since it has drizzled most of the day. A good drenching would do the plants so much good. But already they have perked up and are green and glowing. Black Eyed Susans are one of my favorite flowers. The are return each year . I like them so much because when I was little there was an entire field of them behind our home. A small brook ran through it with a wooden bridge across it and water cress grew down in the brook.
I used to climb down the low banks and pick it and also get a bouquet of Black Eyed Susans and take them home to my mother.

I was about 4 years old.
Don't worry the brook was only a few inches deep and babbled merrily along a pebbly bottom. It was quite safe. At least safe for the adventurer that I was.

The arrival of stormy skies are a welcome sight on a hot , dry August day.


  1. Hi Annie,
    Is it normal to rain in the Summer where you live?? We finally are getting Summer weather in the 90's today. Hope you have a wonderful Thursday.
    Hugs, Dru

  2. Hi Annie! What a sweet memory. :) My grandmother (Swedish- blond and blue-eyed) thought I should've been named Susan after the flower. To her, my brown eyes were unique and, of course, I always wished they were blue. ;) Now you know where Ryan and Jessica got their eyes. Enjoy the weekend! (((Hugz)))

  3. Hi Annie;

    Thank you so much for your well wishes in your comments on my site while I was offline. I truly appreciate it. Love the photo with the fence and black-eyed susans. Aren't memories wonderful!

    It's been raining here on and off the past two days. I'm enjoying the cooler weather too. I love this time of year when we get closer to autumn and even wrote a poem about and put it on my poetry page.

    Have a lovely beginning of the week my friend. Hugs

  4. My earliest memories of picking a flower for someone was of a beautiful peony wrestled from its protesting plant for the teenage girl next door ,who babysat for me and was duly idolized ! She was wise enough to gently ask if Mom knew about the gift ( no ! ) and suggest getting permission first before gifting someone else's flowers .I was also about four . Funny what you remember !
    Glad you got rain...have a splendid day !

  5. Hi Annie! What a sweet childhood memory! I remember being so afraid of this 'big' creek as a child, & when I went back a few years ago to take pictures of it, it was a tiny little stream - maybe 2 inches deep. :-) I asked my family when did it get so small? They told me that it's always been that small.:-) I love Black Eyed Susan's too & loved your sharing the memory.

    I don't watch Jersey Shore, but even the reports that I've seen on it make me cringe! I have seen that many from your state do not like the way they portray New Jersey.

    Have a wonderful week Annie. Hugs!

  6. Ciao Annie, beautiful pic of the Black-eyed Susans and what a sweet childhood memory! :)
    It's been raining a lot here this summer. :( I hope to have at least a bit of sun before autumn really arrives.
    Have a lovely week :)

  7. HI Annie I adore that fence and the Lazy Susan's are so cute! I mean pretty! We won't see any rain for awhile here probably not until November. I can't wait to see rain again. I miss it. Your new are banner is sure different from your past art, it's almost like it was painted from another side of the artist in you. I love it, very elfish looking reminds me of the 7 dwarfs for some reason. Cute! Have a wonderful stormy evening. big hugs


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