z Cottage by the Sea : Bless the Beasts and the Children

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bless the Beasts and the Children

It was a song made popular by Carpenters, "Bless the Beasts and the Children" for in this world they have no voice...

Adults are the advocates for the children and for the animals. It seems that it is the powerless and the weak who suffer the most , take the worst offenses the world has to offer. And that often in silence and with the most profound patience.

There are so many stories in the news of abuse, unconcern, marginalizing the very young and the very old it can make your heart cry out for justice and mercy can't it?

The song's lyrics say it all.  Having buried two children of my own, cared for a bed ridden relative until death and having said sad goodbyes to beloved pets since childhood, the song strikes a powerful chord in my heart.

Years ago I found a child around a year old on my doorstep. She could not yet walk , she smelled to high heaven of ammonia from  urine that soaked her from head to toe, hair matted with it  and stuck to her head. It was well into the afternoon and she was obviously still in the pajamas and diaper placed on her the night before.Her tiny hands, elbows and knees were covered with scratches and scrapes from crawling outside so far.

 She had , it turned out, crawled for blocks before reaching  my home and with her tiny hands was tapping weakly on my door.
I scooped her up off the ground, bathed her immediately, fed her, clothed her and called my next door neighbor whose husband was with the sheriff's office. 
The sheriffs arrived quickly and said I should have left the child as it was. I said, no, I could not allow that baby to suffer in that condition one second more and they agreed I had done the right thing.   No one could have allowed that.
The mother was located fairly quickly at a neighbors house enjoying  a coffee klatch.  She was duly embarassed I suppose but I never heard the outcome of the case though I tried to find out.
The sheriffs took the baby , dressed in my sons baby clothes and took her downtown along with a bottle I made for her.
As he left, the sheriff said that he believed there was a special place in heaven for those who save children and animals without thought of reward.

I don't write that for any reason other than to say that this is the least of what anyone can do. It was nothing at all.How could anyone do anything less? I still worry that I did not do enough.
I have seen so many others go way farther above the call of duty in caring for their children, strangers children and their pets or strays and I do hope there is a special reward just for that alone.What mercy has God shown to us because of their service to their fellow man?
Because, contrast this with someone who would leave a child alone, beat or abuse a pet and the difference is estimated in light years I think.
  There are some out there  who have and still do go  far out of their way to serve others.
I don't put children and animals on equal par either by saying that, but, I simply mean that many are able to open their hearts to those who cannot speak out for themselves and children and animals certainly fit that description.
Without the kindliness , love and concern of those who care for the weak , the sick, the poor, the elderly,  this world would be a desolate place. 
I wonder if people  realize the valuable lesson in service and love they teach their children when they take care of a pet, take in a stray , visit the elderly, etc?It is nothing short of a loud witness to the world of the power of caring , serving love. Something we need much more of.

"Bless the beasts and the children
for in this world they have no voice
they have no choice
Bless the beasts and the children
for the world can never be
the world they see
Light their way
when the darkness surrounds them
give them love
let it shine all around them
Bless the beasts and the children
give them shelter from a storm
keep them safe
keep them warm
Light their way
when the darkness surrounds them
give them love
let it shine all around them
Bless the beasts and the children
give them shelter from a storm
keep them safe
keep them warm
The children
the children, the children........"


  1. What a beautiful post, Annie! Love and a kind heart really is all we need. It sickens me to read or hear about abuse of a child or the elderly. I don't understand how anyone can mistreat someone. Wishing you a wonderful week!
    Hugs and blessings,

  2. Wow Annie, your post truly touched my heart. You and I do have a lot in common having lost two sons myself. I can't imagine how that little one was left all alone to crawl blocks. I'm crying just thinking about it. The Lord was definitely with that baby leading her to you. What a blessing. Thank you for sharing. I loved The Carpenters and Bless The Beasts and The Children is a favorite of mine. Have a blessed day my friend. Hugs

  3. What a special post Annie, young children are so powerless & they need all the help they can have. I hope you're having a great week, hugs


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