Saturday, March 16, 2024

Happy weekend friends.   I am joining in for Saturday 9 by Sam Winters.
Not familiar with this week's song? Hear it here.
1. This week's song is about a legend, Charlie Mops, the man who invented beer. Tell us about something you enjoy so much you could sing about it with the same enthusiasm the Salt Sea Pirates sing of beer.
If its food, then I can sing about the wonders of pizza, hot dogs, tacos, French fries..   

2.  The lyrics tell us beer goes well with breakfast, dinner and snacks. Think about what you dined on yesterday. What beverages did you have with your breakfast, your dinner, and your between-meal snack?

I had coffee with breakfast, water with lunch and dinner and coffee in the evening as it got a bit chilly.

3. "Charlie Mops" was chosen because it's an Irish drinking song and Sunday is St. Patrick's Day. Do you expect to raise a glass in honor of the day?
Nothing for me.
4. Beer is not the only beverage often dyed green for St. Patrick's Day. In 1970, McDonald's introduced the Shamrock Shake, a milkshake made with a minty green syrup. If we were to go out for shakes right now, what flavor would you order?
5. Legend has it that wearing green makes you invisible to leprechauns, who can be mischievous pranksters. Is there anyone you would like to avoid today?
Yes, probably a few people but I never see them anyway.

6. For all our talk of green, it was not the original color of St. Patrick's Day. Through most of the 18th century, blue was worn across England and Ireland to honor St. Patrick. The Irish switched to green to express their independence from the English. Which color do wear more often: blue or green?
OU Marching 110
7. Today St. Patrick's Day is observed all over the world. In Tokyo, it's not a single day but a weekend celebration. When you think of Japan, what's the first thing that comes to mind?
WW2 and their treacherous  cruelty.. the fact they never apologized to the comfort women, etc.

8. One of the biggest parades each year in Buenos Aires is for
 St. Patrick's Day. Have you ever participated in a parade?
Yes as a girl scout.

9. Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, GA, crowns a Miss St. Patrick's Day. Tell us about an event you recall from your college days.

Homecoming at Ohio University.. with the OU Marching 110 band.   
Rutgers U:  the annual game vs Princeton U.  They are rival schools and have been since 1869.  


  1. Fun questions and answers. No beer for me, thank you. Not sure what people see in that stuff anyway. If it was food I would sing about apple pie ala mode or a root beer float. LOL. Although I seldom eat sweets anymore. They don't like me. Parades...yes I marched in parades many times in my youth...Girl Scouts, Cheerleading, and also as a majorette one time and got blisters on my heels from the boots and had to drop out of the parade half way through. LOL. I was never good at twirling anyway. Being a "lefty" made it very awkward to do what everyone else was doing with their right hands. Anyway, I enjoyed your answers and am glad to be back among the living in blogworld. Sorry I missed this last week's Tuesday 4. Hopefully I'll do better next week.

  2. I like Guiness, but alias, can't have it, or much of it, lol. Have a beautiful day friend. smiles

  3. I always wanted to be a Girl Scout, but they met at a time when I could not be there because my parents both worked and the after-school bus did not go near my house. My mother was a Girl Scout, though.

  4. Never heard of Charlie Mopps but I don't get out much. LOL
    I'm a fan of Blue Moon beer ever once in awhile. Too many carb's to have any too often.
    Happy St. Patty's!
    Blessings. 💙

  5. I think a lot of us were Scouts. It was a great experience


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