Monday, March 11, 2024

Tuesday 4 :A Chilly March Day

Howdy friends!    Another week is flying by but I think I know the secret to slowing them down.... work!    The more I pack into a day the more slowly they seem to go which suits me just fine.

Today here on the middle Atlantic ocean, we have gale force winds, a bit of light snow and low temperatures. We are under a flood watch until 2PM Monday.   Of course it is still officially winter until the 19th of March and Spring is notoriously volatile.

Hot coffee/tea, candles, warm clothing are the order of the day..  It's nice to be cozy inside on a tempest tossed night like this.

1. What kind of weather makes you feel you need to dress up warmly? Do you get chilled easily or does it take a lot to get you shivering?   As I get older it does not take as much to make me feel chilly. I want a sweatshirt or sweater when temps are in the low 50s and below. In the low 40s  I want a jacket and when we get down into 30 and below I put on my heavy coat with the fur hood!! 

I love to wear sweatshirts and hoodies in the fall  and on chilly summer nights on the beach where it can get chilly because of the ocean breeze and damp air.

2  How is your weather so far this month? Are you happy with it or how would you improve it? 

I am happy with it.  I like interesting weather and I would be bored by same old same old all year round.       We just went through a couple of gales that blew us every which what way n over big wheelie bins and trees. It rained and then light snow fell too. Temperatures varied a lot from the 50s down to the low 30s.   I think the only improvement I would make to NJ weather is an end to high humidity in summer.  We are classified as semi-tropical like the southern eastern states and it's not nice.   We didn't used to be so humid and I do not like being forced indoors for air conditioning because the weather is too hot and humid.  That's baloney!  You should be outside enjoying life in summer not indoors with sealed up windows. Boo Hiss.   Last year was more normal though and not as humid as it had been some years.

3. How do you handle very hot days where you live and what constitutes a very hot day in your opinion?          I handle them with super cold iced tea, fans, air conditioning and the bay/ocean.  That's how!

A very hot day for me depends on the humidity which makes hot all the hotter. 

When I lived in Utah, it would go up to over 100 in summer many days but the humidity was super super low and what would have been unbearable with humidity was not as oppressive.  But still northern Utah does have 4 distinct seasons.

 I hate days with humidity over 50% or more.  New Jersey is usually in the 80's in summer with a few days climbing into the 90s.   As a kid I  do not recall so many humid days as we have had but then again when you are young you can take more than as an adult.   

When I stayed with my mother in law, a native Floridian in her Miami home on a lagoon, it was super hot and humid in August but at 21 it hardly phased me at all.   Her home was on several acres backing up to a canal and crotons and royal palms out front.  A stinky Melaleuca  tree was in the back.       

We visited all her friends in the keys.  One lady had a miniature  chihuahua who I fell in love with.   She carried it around in her shirt pocket.   I did like the less dense side of Miami... I guess that is gone now... but, being young the heat was not a huge concern for me.  I did not like the bath tub temperatures of the water in the Gulf and the southern Atlantic and being me you know I was in the water non stop every single day while I was there just as I was in the water here all summer long.

4.  Is weather an important reason for you to live where you are or would you move to a better climate if you could?

Yes.  I enjoy 4 distinct seasons very much.  Winter with palm trees would bother me a lot.    I really seem to need the autumn weather and I really do love the vibrant color of that season as well.

Be well friends... See you tomorrow.


  1. I answered #4 wrong. I agree with you and like all of the seasons and different weather. I said not the weather is not an issue...meaning it doesn't bother me. It is hot and humid where I live in the summer. It is almost unbearable to be out during the day and the mosquitoes are awful too. I enjoyed your answers! Have a nice week. ♥

  2. Here in TN, we usually get a return of winter during April but it's of short duration. I'm like most people when they say "it's not the heat, it's the humidity." I hate humidity. I grew up the first part of my life in NM and later upstate NY so I've experience all sorts of temps.

  3. I am just getting around to visiting as my computer was crashed last week. I live in Florida and yes, the humidity is brutal, but AC makes it so much better. When I grew up here we didn't have AC and somehow we survived. No one had it anywhere, so we didn't know the difference. But now that we have it, we "die" if it breaks down in summer (or spring, or fall) LOL. I do miss having 4 seasons, but I don't miss the snow and ice for so many months as we did in New England. That was very depressing for me. We learn to adapt to wherever we are, but that was a bit too much for me. I am much happier here, but would love to visit the north during the fall and also for a brief visit in winter to see the snow again, maybe for Christmas! Hope you are having a good weekend. It is good to be back among the "living" here in Blogland.

  4. Very late getting around to comments....I enjoyed your answers. I can't do high humidity or high temps either. Yuck!!


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