Saturday, September 21, 2024

Drive to You

Here is this week's Sat 9...

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Drive to You (2006)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it  HERE.

1) In this song, Jewel sings that she can't sleep and is staring at the ceiling. Did you fall asleep easily last night?
Yes.  I usually do.  Sometimes pain will keep me up but, I most always fall asleep very quickly. 

2) She concludes that the only thing to do is drive to her lover's side. Last time you got behind the wheel, where were you headed?
Tuckerton, New Jersey, founded in the 1600/s by Quakers.
Tuckerton seaport

3) Jewel grew up in Alaska. Have you ever visited our largest state?
No and probably never will.

4) She once performed at the Sydney Opera House, which is more than 7,300 miles away from Anchorage. There are no direct commercial flights between those two cities. Given your choice, would you rather spend less on travel but have to change flights, or spend more and fly non-stop to your destination?
Non stop.

5) Actor Sean Penn developed a crush on Jewel after seeing her perform on TV and attended many of her concerts during her 1995 tour. What's the best concert you ever saw?
Probably one by the New York Philharmonic.

6) She married Ty Murray, a successful rodeo cowboy. Have you ever attended a rodeo?
Tons of them and for a while was secretary of the Utah Gymkhana

7) In 2006, the year "Drive to You" was released, Al Lewis died. He was best known as Grandpa on The Munsters.    It's time for you to declare where you stand on this issue: do you prefer   The Munsters of The Addams Family?
Both were good for what they were.

8) 2006 was a very good one for tennis pro Roger Federer. He reached the finals in all four Grand Slam tournaments, and won three. What's the last game you won? (Yes, Wordle counts.)
Probably a word game.

9) Random question: Using one word, how would you describe 2024 so far?
Well, the nation has become lawless and corruption is rampant.   Other than that : Great


  1. Great answers! Who knew you were so into rodeos??? Wow! I learn something new every day about you! #9. Agreed!

  2. I like your header. Another that you painted? It's lovely.

  3. Yes ma'am, in total agreeance with #9. I hope you have a lovely evening, my friend.

  4. Your paintings are beautiful ! Each one evokes a mood that invites the viewer in...
    thank you !
    Sadly , #9 is correct .


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