Thursday, September 12, 2024

Happiness is...

The words of the song are "happiness is different things to different people".  Isn't that so very true?
And you really can't guess what makes a person happy. It can be the simplest or the most complicated things but when we are happy it's like walking on air.
I found the statistics on the happiest states in the USA.  I knew New Jersey would be in the top 3 at least and she is!  We are also one of the safest most crime free states, highest incomes, high marks in education and in all around beauty.
Here is the list and California and Florida were no where in sight though I know people who live there love their homes.
The 10 happiest states in America and my 3 favorite states are on the list: NJ, Utah and Massachusetts!
Hawaii #1
Maryland 2
New Jersey 3
Utah 4
Delaware 5
Minnesota 6
Connecticut 7
Idaho 8
Nebraska 9
Massachusetts 10
Meanwhile.. here is some of what makes me happy...

I'll have mine on the rocks please.

Low Tide 

Peeking through at the salt pond.


  1. The best pleasures are the simplest things. I didn't know New Jersey was such a nice place to live!! I have never been there.

  2. Beautiful scenes of your lovely State. Also, so nice to see gulls fly over the page.

  3. Being by the water - ocean and bay - are happy places for me !
    The company of good friends , hummingbirds , butterflies , old fashioned , scented roses and good food are part of my list for generating happiness !

  4. Oh I think people who live in Florida are happy people.

  5. Simple things make me happy. And despite everything, California makes me happy.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  6. I do so enjoy your beautiful photography, Annie. Have a blessed day!

  7. Beautiful photos. Well, I live in Florida, and I am NOT happy about all the traffic. I am though, happy with the weather, but do miss the seasons, smiles.


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