Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hundreds and Hundreds of Questions..

It's not nice to steal unless it's Sunday Stealing and then its just fine. It's fun too.
It's a dark night here by the coast, 53 °F and a bit breezy.   The weather has been so beautiful lately. I hope you can say the same. Right now, I am going to try to answer some of these questions on this week's meme.

1. What takes up too much of your time?
Pots and pans!  I don't like cleaning up after cooking. No sir, don't like it one bit!
2. What do you wish you knew more about?
Latin and gardening .  
3. What’s the best way to start the day?
With a lovely breakfast of eggs, toast and fried tomatoes or French toast with butter, maple syrup and powdered sugar.  Or  a huge stack of Aunt Jemima's pancakes. I miss her sweet face on the box and her family misses the royalties from her recipe!  Stop wiping people out and erasing their accomplishments.
4. What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?
   Why can't we have Oxydol back?   Are stars actually plasma beings? What happened to Lustre Cream shampoo? It was pearly pink and kept my curls in good shape!  And last but not least Who Put the Bop in the Bop She Bop She Bop.. who put the ram in the rama lama dingdong?   And why did doo wop disappear?   Doggone it!

5. What’s your favorite genre of book or movie?
 I really like mystery. 
6. What’s the farthest you’ve ever been from home?
Farthest from NJ is Utah.. farthest from Utah is PEI.  I consider both NJ and Utah to be my home.
7. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
Prince Edward Island.  I have been a few times and love it very much.
8. When was the last time you climbed a tree for fun?
Probably in my 30's.
9. What do you consider to be your best find?
My baby grand piano bought in a good sale.
10. What’s special about the place where you grew up?
I've grown up in a few places. I feel we grow up not just as little children but as adults as well.
My first town was very small and most of my family lived right around me.  That was nice.  The train station was up the street and my grandfather and I went all the time to watch the trains and ride them too.
11. What age do you wish you could permanently be?
Between 18 and 21.  16 was the happiest year of my life and 18-21 was a close second few years.  So, that seems like a good age to be. Physically able, too dumb to be sad or worried... yup it was a good time.

12. What fictional place would you most like to go?
It wasn't fictional really.. but I spent hours at Green Gables in PEI and walked for hours on Lover's Lane and the Haunted woods.. along the beaches where Anne walked.. the places she frequented.  I loved it so much.  While the stories were fiction, the places were not.
13. Where is the most relaxing place you’ve ever been?
In my warm, soft bed!
14. What’s the most interesting piece of art you’ve seen?
The Pieta by Michelangelo  Any mother who has lost a child knows the feeling of this sculpture.
15. Who has impressed you the most with what they have accomplished?
George Washington Carver who has been a hero for me since I was a child.  He inspired me to get up off my lazy butt as a kid and learn and study!  From 5th grade on I thought of him every single day and usually do to this day.  When I find things hard or want to be lazy I think "George would do better and tell me to do the same."   Thank you George.. really, sincerely thank you!
Thanks for visiting.  Tonight I will have the Tuesday 4 meme up.  I do hope you will join in! The link is at the very top of the page.


  1. There's a story my sisters and I tell about my mother trying to make something creative in the kitchen. we all agreed that it tasted like the green bleaching crystals in Oxydol! Whereas I LOVE the meals you presented. PEI isn't THAT far from upstate NYS; we should go.

  2. You always make me smile...and unfortunately, I can relate to that statue. Wishing you a lovely day, my friend.

  3. What do you wish you knew more about? Science & mathematics.
    What takes up too much of my time? Work. 40+ years & counting.

  4. I love a good mystery, too, and I still cherish the Anne of Green Gables books. George Washington Carver was an amazingly inspirational and accomplished man, for sure.
    Blessings, Annie!

  5. This line here: "I feel we grow up not just as little children but as adults as well." is very wise.

  6. I loved your answers and #4 was especially fun. Great little questions I'd love to know too! LOL. Grow up? what's that? I refuse to do it. And I would dearly love to visit PEI and walk where the pretend Anne walked. I'm sure we could feel her "spirit" there in those woods, etc., even if she wasn't a real person in the flesh, she was a spirit of what many little girls are. I'm named after her, (you already heard that before I'm sure) Pamela Anne with an "e", with red hair too. (long gone now), but my mother loved her and wanted to grace me with her "spirit", and I sometimes think she really did... So there. Oh, that "Pieta", I never really thought about it until you just pointed that out, and yes, I DO understand it oh too well. Wow, that brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing that thought. I will never look at it again the same way. Have a blessed and beautiful week my friend.

  7. Interesting questions and wonderful answers!
    I wish I knew more about personal to do things on my own in a more primitive situation . Hard times in the past do not necessarily equate with preparedness in the future , where times are different and so are my capabilities !


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