Monday, September 23, 2024

It's Autumn!

Happy Autumn

 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4... are you ready for Autumn?

Sunday September 22 is the Autumnal Equinox, the first day of the Autumn season.  Let's talk about it okay?

1. Are there pumpkins or chrysanthemums on your porch or are you planning on putting some out?  

None yet. My flower box on the porch railing still is blooming with pink Impatiens.  But I do have a ghost breaking through my front window! 

They are so cute!!!

2. What seasonal changes are you noticing in your part of the world? What would you add or take away?

Leaves are turning orange, red and yellow. Some trees are beginning to lose a few leaves here and there.   It is chilly at night and cool during the day. Autumn breezes are blowing and the days are so refreshing. People are sitting outside with their firepits more. The scent of burning wood fills the air some evenings.  That morning crispness is welcome as can be.  Take away? Nothing but I would add cooler temps for a longer period of time.  I would love an autumn that was twice as long.

3. Is pumpkin pie on the menu for you this fall?  How about pumpkin spice or pumpkin latte coffee flavors? Are you a fan?   Spiced teas?  What do you like?          On the menu is pumpkin spice coffee for sure. As far as baked goods.. I do enjoy pumpkin pie and I love apple strudel and apple turnovers and apple pie with lots of real cinnamon.   Let's add apple fritters with pure maple syrup for breakfast too.

4. If there was a free week long tour of New England, complete with peak colors and a trip to Plimouth, Massachusetts (the colony site with historical players), would you come along?  If that doesn't suit, where would you like to go for your Autumn trip?     

I will be there with bells on.  I have not been to Plimouth, which is the original spelling, nor to Plymouth Rock and would love to go.  I bet we could spend a few days exploring the first settlement where they speak an older form of English and refuse to engage in modern dialog with you.  I would hope we can find some nice bed and breakfasts to stay in.   


  1. Hi Annie, I enjoyed reading your answers. Your little ghosts are cute. I'm with you on having an autumn that is twice as long as it currently is. It always goes by too quickly.

  2. Oh, what cute little ghosts! They look friendly and not too scary! Here in Florida we are expecting a hurricane to come knocking on our windows and doors in the next couple of days! Hopefully it won't be too big and bad, but we will be ready either way. Thankfully we live far enough inland that we should be okay, but maybe get some much needed rain. I am looking forward to some nice crisp fall days once we get the hurricane out of the way! Thank you again for doing this each week. I may not always make it to the party, but I do try to come as often as I can because it's a nice place to be with good friends and "family". Have a lovely day.

  3. I enjoyed your answers. We didn't have much time to explore when we visited Plymouth and I sure wish we did. We didn't visit the settlement sadly.

  4. I've never been a fan of pumpkin anything, Annie, but I do love anything with apples. Your ghosts are adorable! Have a blessed day!


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