Saturday, September 7, 2024

Questions.. sunday stealing

A neighbor is having a party outside with a band,  The music has been playing all day for the most part and into this evening. Seems like a lovely time.  I often wonder how much it takes to hire a band for a long day.  
The weather was perfect for a party, cool and light breeze.  There are always a few parties in the summer.  A couple of years ago a neighbor hired a mariachi band and they were just wonderful!

1. What shows are you into?
I like watching old TV programs on YouTube like Midsomer Murders, Carol Burnett Show,  I alo like to watch old film noir movies from the 30s through the 50's.

2. What’s your claim to fame?   I am drawing a bkank.

3. How often do you play sports?   Not at all anymore.   I was athletic when I was young.

4. Are you early or late?     I am usually late. 

5. What quirks do you have?     

6. How often do you people watch?           Rarely.  I mind my business.

7. What’s your favorite drink?             Hot tea with milk, iced tea with lemon.

8. What do you hope never changes?      Old fashioned life styles.

9. What’s your dream car?          I am not that interested in cars at all.  I do like the Mitsubishi Outlander was big and comfy,

10.  Where would you rather be from?     Nantucket or Martha's Vineyard.

11. What songs have you completely memorized?         The list would be very long.

12. What would you rate 10/10         An Italian hot dog or tacos

13. What job would you be terrible at?     Auto Mechanic

14. What skill would you like to master?       I think I would like to learn to golf

15. What movie title best describes your life?    Murphy's Romance is very close to my life in certain ways


  1. I was over at my MIL's place this week and she was watching a Carol Burnett repackaged rerun, and MIL asked if I ever watched the C Burnett Show - only every week for a dozen years!

  2. I am the opposite; I am always early to where I need to be. Wishing you a lovely Sunday my friend.

  3. My mother was actually born on Nantucket because her grandparents owned an inn there long ago, and her mother was there in the summer. She was named 'Nancy' because of her birthplace. And if I'm not early to an appointment, in my head, I'm late.
    Blessings, Annie!

  4. Golf! I think that's a great skill to think about mastering. I don't play but my father owns a country club. Maybe I should ask him what he'd charge me to use the greens. (I know it wouldn't be free.)


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