Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September Musing

September is back to school month and even if you are an adult now, you can usually still recall the back to school days.  It was a new beginning.. sometimes scary, sometimes joyous.  New experiences were awaiting you.
How about now? September is still a new beginning to  the year.  What will it hold for you?

1. As summer's heat fades do you get out and about in nature often ?  Where do you go, what do you do?  What would you like to do?

This year I spent some nice times outside all through the summer, hot or not and I fully enjoyed it all.    Now that its cooling down, the beach is a lovely place to be or along the bay watching the birds and the foxes and rabbits run around the dune  We have a lot of bunnies and foxes here.

2. What has changed in your life that you miss/regret the most?   I think the death of my husband 3 years ago.  It was a very sudden and unexpected thing.

3.  Money is no object, nothing stands in your way.. are you going to move  or stay where you are?    I think I will go to Camden, Maine and to Hyannis Port, Mass, and to Savannah, Georgia.  I will buy houses in each place since money is no object.. big houses so I have plenty of storage and room to move around easily.  I might like to go to Prince Edward Island often too.    all the photos can be clicked on to enlarge to full size.  I would also buy a home in the Salt Lake Valley so I could go home whenever I wanted to.

Salt Lake City
Camden Maine

Hyannis Mass.

Prince Edward Island

Savannah, Georgia

4.  How can you improve your life?  By exercising more, learning more, being happy more. Loving others more


  1. Oh, those are all beautiful places to visit. I also would love to go to PEI someday. I've never been there, but since my mother named me for Anne of Green Gables (Pamela ANNE with an "e"), I feel like I should at least visit where she came from! And yes, #4, I think we are all at that stage of life where we need to "exercise more, learn more, be happy more, and love others more". Life is too short, and I would like my latter days to be filled with much love and joy and as good of health as possible, and peace. Amen! Thank you for another great Tuesday 4, Annie! Have a blessed day. Praying for your Famous Anonymous.

  2. I think all your choices of homes are wonderful. I've always wanted to visit PIE ever since I watched Anne of Green Gables. But then, I'd love to visit New Zealand as well after watching Lord of the Rings! I've been to Hyannis and, in fact, lived on the cape at Otis AF base back in the 70s. My hugs to you with losing your husband. Tomorrow would have been my 42nd wedding anniversary.

  3. Each one of those places look beautiful! I would like to visit them, but I'm happy where we are for now.

  4. You certainly chose some picturesque places to reside if money were no object, Annie. I'm glad to know that your weather was such that you could enjoy the summer months, i. e. at the Jersey Shore. We used to love going to south Georgia in the off season when there were no crowds and heat.
    Prayers and good thoughts sent your way!

  5. Another interesting post - thank you !
    Years ago , there was a contest announced whose prize was $50,000 for the winner's Dream Vacation...WOW ! I wondered what my dream vacation might be . After exploring the possibilities , the real destination would be our local ocean front , in a tiny bungalow , within walking distance of a good local restaurant and grocer...staying there , to smell that wonderful salt air and falling asleep to the sound of surf , until the prize money ran out . I have not changed my mind !

  6. Lovely places to enjoy and to dream about having a home at. So sorry about the sudden loss of your husband.

  7. I am so far behind on commenting that I'm trying to catch up before doing this weeks questions. I loved your answers. Yes, the loss of your husband would certainly change your life. Sending you hugs. I liked your answers to where you'd go..those places all sound wonderful. I've been to the NE states and can see living in a few areas around there.


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