Friday, September 6, 2024

Summer in the City

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it HERE

1) Now that Labor Day has passed and kids have returned to school, summer is unofficially over. Looking back, share a highlight from Summer 2024.
There were no highlights at all this summer.  I missed the 4th fireworks and everything else.
But back in high school I did deliveries for my dad and it seemed every time I got in the car this song was playing that summer.   It really stuck out in my mind because it was a hot summer and the song seemed so perfect.
2) Though this week's song is about summer, it was recorded in the spring, March to be exact. What's your favorite season?
I like autumn very much, but lately I am loving all the seasons.  Once I put away the complaints about heat/cold and began looking for the good, I found it!

3) Lovin' Spoonful lead singer John Sebastian sings that he's going to meet his lover on the rooftop. When were you last on the roof of your building?
I have never been on the roof of this house. Near it but not on it.

  4) The lyrics refer to sidewalks that are "hotter than a match head." What's the last thing you lit with a match?
A Yankee Candle in the Balsam and Cedar scent. It was on its final few hours and now its done and I need a new one.

5) The Lovin' Spoonful was founded by John B. Sebastian and Zal Yanovsky. When the band broke up, Zal opened a restaurant. Tell us about the restaurant you most recently dined at.
Nothing in a long while so I don't recall now.  Let me say I'd like to go to Glatt Bite and get some Krispy Beef... yummy.

6) John went on to have a solo career. His biggest hit was "Welcome Back," the theme to a popular 70's sitcom. The first line: "Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out ...". Do you recall what show used "Welcome Back" as its theme?
Welcome Back Kotter with a baby John Travolta.

7) In 1964, when "Summer in the City" was popular, Americans were tuned in to Bewitched. The show centered around Samantha, a witch married to a mortal. Among her supernatural powers were flight, time travel and telekinesis (being able to move objects by twitching her nose). If you could have one of those powers, which would you choose?
I will need time travel and telekinesis to carry out my nefarious deeds!

8) In 1964, AJ Foyt earned the second of his four Indy 500 victories. Do you watch car racing?
Yes, mostly on the highway.

9) Random question: Is your big toe your longest toe?
Yes it is. Thanks for asking. I was worried that no one cared.


  1. I loved that song, Annie, and your answers today. Have a blessed weekend!

  2. LOLOL #7 and big toe is not the biggest, tmi. Thanks for the laughter and smiles. Have a great day, friend.

  3. Time travel & telekinesis! Nefarious deeds! Oh my. Sounds like the start of a novel.

  4. OH yes, I remember that song so well! Must've been when I was in the latter years of high school, Did they say what year it was? Anyway, I remember it well. I am thankful that summer is unofficially over. It's still hotter than a matchhead here, but at least we know fall is on the way. That gives us hope! Can't get on our's a "tin roof", and it is blistering hot! And too steep anyway. No thank you! Hope you enjoy your soon to be fall days. We're getting there little by little.

  5. Interesting questions and #7 is a shared answer ! Nefarious , indeed !
    Actually , the past is best left alone...enjoy the gift of the present ...


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