Monday, September 16, 2024

The Green Ash and Tuesday 4

The leaves are turning here on the very eastern edge of America. My Green Ash tree.. my forever tree.. is beginning to show off deep yellow leaves.  The Ash has her own story.  We had tried to cut her down as she was getting way too large over the patio and cut her down we did.  Her little stumps and huge limbs were gathered together to be disposed of, but one day I saw that the big limbs were shooting forth branches and leaves the the little stump was as well. 
Green Ash in Autumn

She was positively blooming.  In a few days from being cut off she was struggling to burst forth with life again.   My husband and I looked at each other and he said, "she wants to live so badly". "Yes", I said.  "Then she stays forever" he said. I nodded in agreement.  The heavy limbs were put into the woods where they took root and grew and the stump became a new tree that is now 30 feet tall and over shadows the patio.  What a testimony of will to live.    Never give up on life! You have one given to you. Live it to the fullest.     Fight to live!

click to enlarge picture
Tuesday 4

Here we are back for another Toni Taddeo Tuesday 4.   I hope you find them fun, thought provoking and interesting.

Have you been in trouble or had some Whoops/oops moments  in your life? Let's talk about it.

1.Have you ever felt like the dog in the picture?

Yes indeed I have and many times too.  I miss the garbage a lot especially with coffee grounds. Now this is amazing since I bang the pot and grounds right into the can but for some reason known only to whoever, I miss a lot of the time. The result is wet grounds all over the floor.  

Now, being disabled it is difficult to clean up... it is wet and smears.  So...I leave it there all day long until it dries and then sweep it up. Looks awful especially if someone drops by.     Oh well.

2.Did you ever cause an embarrassing or inconvenient incident? What Opps moments were your fault?

I was engaged and went out to buy a few dresses. My future hubby was with me and went to another store while I paid for my dresses. We would meet back at the car.   I went back to the car and got in , patted his thigh and said, "Ok.. I'm ready" and this man I didn't know turned to me and said, "Wow, baby, me too".  I told him I had the wrong car and he said something on the order of, that's okay you can stay now that you're here.  I thanked him and went to find my fiancé's car.  That was kind of embarrassing though I will admit it takes a lot to make me really embarrassed.

3. Tattle on your family or pets.. what funny incidents did they get into?  

One time we were busy and the dog, Brandy  had to go outside.  She kept asking and we didn't pay close enough attention.  Next thing we see is Brandy, leash in mouth, nudging the cat and placing the leash in from of her as if to say, "Ok, YOU take me for a walk".  Needless to say we went right out.

When I was in high school we had a German Shepherd names Kaiser (which by the way is the correct way to  pronounce "Caesar". In recent years a key to pronunciation of Latin was found and the C is always a hard K sound. So the Germans have said it right all along and we were all wrong with our CeeZar.  The real ancient Latin pronunciation is Ki(eye)zer.

Anyway, one evening Kaiser, who was a real daddy's boy, kept leaving my dad to go to the dining room  Each time he  came back he was a bit odd.  This continued until he could barely walk.  Everyone was very concerned. What had happened to him?   Pop followed him into the dining room and saw him licking up liquor off the floor.  The bottle was not tightened  enough, had tipped over and was leaking all over the floor where Kaiser was cleaning it up.   He was 3 sheets to the wind.. drunk as a skunk

4. What was the funniest moment in your life?  

When the elastic on my panties gave way and they fell down around my ankles on a date. Luckily it was after the movie, The Pink Panther, was over and we were in the seriously crowded lobby working our way to the door. People were cheek to jowl.  I simply stepped out of them and went on. No one could have noticed but I keep thinking of the clean up crew finding my pink panties on the floor that night.

In other news the Famous Anonymous neurologist has now seen the scan and we are not out of the woods as it changed shape. He requires another MRI in a year. So, the radiologist was wrong. Please keep her in your prayers. We want this to go away and not be an aneurysm.


  1. What a funny story about Kaiser, Annie! Thanks for correcting us in the way we've always pronounced Caesar in English. And the story about the panties' great escape? Priceless!
    Hope you have a blessed week!

  2. Oh my word, Annie, I'm laughing soooo hard -- both at the "I'm ready" to the strange man and your dog enjoying the spirits!
    I love that story of the Green Ash tree! Not so different than the mythical Phoenix!

  3. Nice header !
    You have certainly led an interesting life ...and survived !
    The Ash is a sweet testament to the will to live , despite adversities .
    Wishing you a fine day !
    P.S. - Famous Anonymous is wrapped in the prayers of all those who care about her !!!


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