z Cottage by the Sea : Foody
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, February 10, 2025


Howdy friends.
Waiting for snow here in South Jersey. 
Did I ever mention how much I hate the taste of Thyme?   The taste of thyme makes me gag.  I've had a few chicken dishes with it in and after a few bites I am gagging and can't eat anymore of it.  I find it that disgusting.    I've always been interested in how foods taste from one person to the next.  What one person loves another will detest! 

Welcome to Toni's Tuesday 4..
Can we talk about food ?

1. what was your favorite suppertime meal when you were a kid or a teen?  How about fav breakfast and lunch while you're at it.
My Mother would tell you that I was the spaghetti kid.  I adored my mothers home made spaghetti.  It was delicious.   I also loved the German foods we ate.  My mothers roast beef and gravy was excellent too.  Big fan of Macaroni and Cheese also.
I am not a gourmet as you can see.  Plain old home cooking is fine with me. Give me some Pennsylvania Dutch Chicken Croquettes and turn me loose on them.
I have not changed much over the years.
Breakfast.. full English if possible or French toast.   Lunch: Grilled Cheese was my favorite.

2. How about now? What is your favorite dinnertime meal? And for breakfast and lunchtime?  I really still love spaghetti but also stuffed cabbage is a huge hit with me.
I still like eggs over easy with fried tomato and mushrooms.. and grilled cheese is still  a major love of mine.

3. How has your taste in food changed over the years. 
I no longer eat some of the foods I loved as a kid but pretty much I have not changed much at all.  My favs are still favs, my dislikes remain as well.   Since spinal surgery I am a huge ice cold milk fan.  I crave huge glasses of milk that are seriously ice cold. I could drink milk by the gallon!!  After my bone was growing I would crave it so much that I would buy a pint and down it in a minute or less and still want more.

4.  What's for supper at your house tonight?  Tuesday night will be meatloaf I hope.   I've not been cooking anything great lately because I just hurt too much but if I am okay tomorrow , I really am craving some meatloaf and rice.


  1. I have 2 glasses of milk a day. I want to make stuffed cabbage one of these days. I do cook cabbage and like it with my scrambled eggs with some grated mozzarella cheese. I haven't made meatloaf in a long time. I hope to make it sometime this winter!

  2. Yum on meatloaf, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful day, Annie.

  3. I have NEVER liked milk, and still don't. My mother would make me drink milk, and we'd have to beat the clock on watching the second hand go around on the big clock on the wall in the kitchen, and I've to get it down before the hand got all the way around. I hated it. But, last night hubby made me a milk shake and I liked that! LOL. I've seen meatloaf mentioned already here on this meme a couple of times, so now of course I want some. LOL. I just wish the price of ground beef would come down and stay there! This was a fun meme. Thank you, Annie. I hope you feel better today so you can make a meatloaf!!


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