z Cottage by the Sea : Happy Weekend

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Happy Weekend

Hello friends. I'm writing this on Monday afternoon and it's cold and very sunny out but we are supposed to have rain from Wednesday onward.   

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.
It seems that everyone loves the weekend.
What about you?

1.  Do you feel happier as the weekend approaches?  Just how do you feel about weekends?
I do like weekends and always have. Now that I no longer work the whole week can seem like a weekend.
2. What are your weekends usually like and do you do anything special?   Do you attend a church/synagogue?
My weekends are different now that I am by myself.  Usually I have people over but lately I have no felt up to it because of my spine but that comes and goes.
Yes, I am religious and have always been.
3. Do you sleep later on the weekend or do you stay up later at all?  Are weekends for catching up on sleep?
I used to sleep later on a Saturday when I was younger.  I take a nap most days for a couple of hours since my spinal pain has been worse than usual.   When I was working full time I was up early for kids and to leave for work.  Now I try to sleep later because it just feels so darn nice to stay in bed.
4. Do you read or watch more movies/TV on the weekends or catch up on things missed during the week?
No, Not more.    I don't do anything more on the weekends than during the week.   I watch a couple of movies and or documentaries during the week and sometimes on Sunday afternoon.  I have never been a big TV watcher.  

All in all I think weekends are a very positive thing. They provide free time for worship, family time, relaxing time, and time for home projects.  Two days off work is wonderful for people to recharge and rest.

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