z Cottage by the Sea : Teenage Years
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Teenage Years

Another Tuesday is upon us.  In the background I hear the sounds of LaGrange Kentucky as I watch for the trains that run through the towns.   Yes, I am a trainaholic, a railfan and have been since I was about 3 years old.   My grandfather would take me up the street to watch the trains on the old Jersey Central RR come and go and every so often get onboard and go into Elizabeth to have ice cream at Woolworth's.
That continued until he passed away when I was about 9 or 10.  I didn't get to have him long but I still watch the trains every single day.  I vary watching in La Grange, Fair Port, NY , Paradise Pennsylvania, and  Revelstoke, BC, Canada.
Fair Port is a lovely city and the train suns parallel to the old Erie Canal and if the amount of trains shows how much traffic was on the canal.. it was a lot!   In Fair Port the local Catholic Church chimes the quarter hours and on the hour plays a song on the bells.   It's lovely to hear during the day.
La Grnage is nifty because the train comes right down the middle of the main street.
Here she comes.. I took a screen shot just now:   
La Grange, Ky. 8:25PM  3/10/25
It's interesting watching things farther inland.  I am directly on the Atlantic coas and we get dark first in the USA.  Although La Grande and we are the same Eastern time zone, it will be pitch black here while they still have remnants of sunset as the sun moves across the USA.

Teenage Years...

 Hey Kids! It's time once again for Tuesday 4 brought to you each week in memory of Toni Taddeo!  So, settle down with a cuppa and a pink cupcake (they fix everything) put on your thinking caps...You've got homework to do!

1. Did you have a teen heart throb? Wanna tell who it was and maybe why? Maybe there was a teen actress you looked up to?
I liked Sandra Dee ever since I saw her on TV in a  re-play of the movie A Summer Place.

2.  When you were a teen, what song  made you happy when you heard it playing?  Did you and a boyfriend/friend have 'Your" song?
 The old Beach Boys  song "All Summer Long" made me happy.

My boyfriend and I had the Platters "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes".  I loved dancing to "Sleep Walk".    I was very much into the beach/surf life style as a teen.   I was on the beach all summer long from childhood through the end of my teens.  I guess that came from my parents who loved the beach like I do.

3.  Were sleep overs a  thing in your area?  How about sweet 16 parties?   Were they the thing to do or not? 
  Sleep overs were a thing,  yes.  Nowadays parents use caution with them though.
Sweet 16 parties were not what they eventually became.     Birthdays were more laid back.  From 13 through 18 you got a corsage made by your friends and Sweet 16 was made with roses and sugar cubes.  age 15 was dog biscuits,  13 was bubblegum, 14 was lollipops... They were so cute!!

4,   You are suddenly transported back in time and you are 16 years old.   You've got school tomorrow.. lay out your outfit for tomorrow and tell us what it consists of.
I'm gonna wear my stitched down pleated plaid skirt, an oxford style button down white shirt and my navy blue pullover sweater.  I usually wear my Bass Weejuns for shoes and some sheer stockings.  I don't carry a  pruse in those days.


  1. That was fun, Annie. Thanks for the smiles my friend. Have a beautiful day.

  2. This was fun Annie. I enjoyed reading your answers and had to look up Bass Weejuns. Do you know that they were a favourite of mine but I only knew them by the name Penny Loafers. I didn't actually own a pair until I started uni.

  3. Did you have a school uniform, or that was just the style? I did use to wear pleated plaid/wool skirts too in the winter time, and I probably had penny loafers, but they weren't Bass Weejuns. I rarely had anything "Name Brand". Either I or my mother made most of my clothes and shoes were just shoes that fit. My feet grew faster than I did, so I didn't want to call attention to them. LOL. I loved the Beach Boys too. Although I didn't live at /near the beach, we went as often as we could. It was an hour away from us so it was a big deal when we did get to go, but rarely did we get to go without parents. A few times, but we had chaperones. Someone had to drive us there! Fun memories today. Thank you.

    1. No, not a uniform.. just for "this" make believe day. We wore dresses, wrap around denim skirts, madrass tops, all kinds of things. Keds were popular sneakers,etc.

  4. Interesting post...
    When I was in high school , the girls were in skirts or dresses . Winter was tough , because we had to wear snow pants under our skirts and discretely shimmy them down at our lockers ( no trousers for us !) and reverse that process at end of day .The boys had to wear trousers , because the dress code considered jeans to be only for work ! My parents loved the water and our house was a block and a half from a bay beach .


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