z Cottage by the Sea
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, May 26, 2008

Backyard Nature

I spent some nice time outside today in the lovely weather snapping some photos to share with you and just enjoying the breeze and the flowery smells around the place. It all smells so wonderful.... the Broom, the Rhododenrun, the Wisteria, the roses. Its a grand perfume.

This little guy flew past me and up into the trees.

He was as curious about me as I was about him. Being nearsighted I didn't see that he was so blue til I viewed the photo! He is lovely. He was flitting all over the yard while Mr.Bunny was relaxing and Miss Squirrel was chewing on nuts.

Here is Mr. Bunny, dear little soul. He sat as still as could be while I snapped away. He was eating the Scotch Broom by the pond and having himself a grand old time. I love these gentle little fellows. Garfield wanted to go outside and see the bunny for himself but, I let him stew inside behind the screen door.
Here is his close up!

The Rhododendrun has gone wild with showy blooms. I really have to cut the bush back after it blooms since its about 10 or more feet tall and obscuring windows. My Mother loved this plant. I like the minyan of birds who sing in its branches three times a day... dawn, early afternoon and twilight.
At the base of this huge thing you can hear the birds scratching for bugs.

The water is crystal clear today and as blue as sapphires. The sunlight glinting like diamonds across it .

On days like this that are warm and balmy it is hard to get a view without sailboats.

I have come to like even the sound of inboard boat motor. I can hear it a lot and it is one of the sounds of spring and summer to me now.


  1. Squeeky gave me a close up of a bunny this week. Sadly, it was dangling from her mouth and she dragged it in and stuffed it under my fridge. evil cat.

    I love the ocean pic! It makes me homesick for the salt water marshes of South Carolina. *sigh*

  2. No bunny murdering !!!

    What kind of bird it that?? you are the authority for birds.. now come on kid! get with it.


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