z Cottage by the Sea
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Looking out Back

Scotch Broom in bloom. Hey I am a poet and don't know it! There are four of these. Two bright yellow, one pale yellowy white and the red-orange that will bloom a bit later. They have a smell that wafts over the entire garden. Scotch broom is large too. These bushes will reach about 8 feet in height.
Mom, Dad and goslings head out for an afternoon swim. I saw about 5 families of them doing likewise. It is sweet to see the ducks and geese going off like this as a family.
They let me get pretty close .
Good thing I can swim :)


  1. Spring is one of my favorite times...the fragrant blooms,the flirty birdsong and the dear, fuzzy hatchlings in family group activities...such a hopeful time .


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