z Cottage by the Sea
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mystery Bird

If this is not an Indigo Bunting, then it might well be a Cat Bird that in the certain light of the photographs appears more blue than gray.
He has the cap of the cat bird.. I did not hear his call so I cant be sure.
All of the photos I took show him to be this dark dusty blue color but, he is a bit different than the Indigo Buntings I found in photos online.

If you know what he is.. let me know.

Here is a Cat Bird and you can see how it could look blue in certain light,at least I can imagine it.
The black cap is what gave me the hint that it might be a Cat Bird after all.

Still it could be a kind of bird I just am not familiar with. So if you know or even think you know, let me know!

The weather today is cool and damp and after so many days of rain it will be a relief to have warm, even hot weather tomorrow. Saturday promises to be in the 90s. I don't especially like hot weather especially if it is humid so I hope humidity is not part of the deal.

Early this morning a fine strong mist was falling outside. It was lovely to see and the gentle sound it made on the plants was soothing but the damp feeling it creates in your body is for the birds!

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