z Cottage by the Sea
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Where Do You Go to Relax?

I love how the sand takes on patterns from the tides...the ebb and flow. Even when the water is still and quiet patterns appear.

I can sit here for hours watching fish swim by and seeing the sea weed sway in the water breeze.

The water is crystal clear and cool.. so inviting really. Even last week when the temperature climbed to 105 it was sweet and cool by the water.

Water has a tranquilizing effect. It mezmerizes, soothes and that salty smell helps calm you and it makes the seaside a perfect place to meditate and think.

Is there a special place you like to go and sit and relax?

If you have a blog, why not post a photo of it. It would be wonderful to see.

Well.. after all this time I guess no one will .


  1. there's something calming about the natural rhythms, the coming and going of sand, sea and air

  2. Yes. Even in the city I still go to the water's edge to relax. My last day of college a friend and I went for a walk on the break wall under the Peace Bridge.

    Yesterday I went for a walk by the river. I will post some of my pics on my blog.

    My new place to relax is Hoyt Lake in Delaware Park.

  3. ROFL!!! I can't believe staring at those pics made me have to potty. Is this just the influence of menopause or something even more devious behind the scenes?

    PS: I love sitting along the brook at the bottom of the ravine that leads to Good Medicine Camp.

  4. Ok now we want photos of the brook and that's that!!!


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