z Cottage by the Sea : Close of Another Day
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, July 21, 2008

Close of Another Day

When the darkness begins to descend around the bay there is a stillness that descends with it. As stars pop up in clusters in the sky the sweet still is disturbed only by lapping water, the whoosh of plover wings who make little peeping sounds as the fly from bush to bush, mugho pine to cedar.

Ginger cat is padding his way across the soft sand in search of night adventures. His way is lit by flitting lightning bugs that seem to float around everywhere.

As the light fades more and more you can see the phosphorescent sea life that has washed on shore from this mornings tropical storm glowing softly lime green in the dark.

Across the bay are a few sparse lights on the barrier island . They dance on the ripples , the bay has gone still.

The scent of the wild roses is heavy on the air tonight and you hate to go inside.

Photos taken by Annie

But inside we go and light the little desk lamp til we are ready for bed.
Now open the window and let the salt air drift over the bed as you close your eyes on one more day.

Good Night.



  1. aaaaaaahhhhhh....I'm totally relaxed. seriously, I could take a really good nap right now and I think I'd still hear the ocean waves and smell the salt air. :]

  2. how lovely, gentle and sweet

    the perfect night, if only all nights ended this way


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