z Cottage by the Sea : Last Rose of Summer
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Last Rose of Summer

small craft advisory

Caught this last rose of Summer just before the sky began to darken with thick tropical clouds loaded with water.
Note the ground? Yes, thats sand. 100% NJ white sugar sand, darkened by water here. It is hard to grow anything but beachy plants here. I stick to climbing beach roses usually and Pampas grass etc. You can see the wild strawberry creeping along on the ground too. I have tons of it.

The sky darkened and now we are in the midst of a pretty loud thunder storm with heavy tropical- like rain falling. It gathered up very quickly. Isn't the sky beautiful though?

I am happy to be inside with a nice hot cup of coffee watching the action from my chair.

Hope your day is bright and sunny.


  1. I love the pictures. Even the storm clouds look somehow beautiful.

  2. now i know where the beach roses in your pictures come from

  3. Thank you lo!

    Knish, that is a regular rose.
    The beach roses climb on my house and on the sukkah. But this rose is scraggly , though the flower came out nicely.
    I need to fertilize it like crazy and compost too.
    I use top soil etc. but, it fades quickly here in the sand. So.. fish emulsion here I come!

  4. Hi Annie,
    Thanks for stopping by :) I love the picture of your rose. That is one flower that I don't really grow. Our neighbors have a few bushes that invade our driveway a little bit, but that's about it.

    Our sky has been looking like that a lot lately too. It rained all night long and didn't stop until this afternoon. I love the rain, so no complaints here.

    I am glad that you enjoyed the bay photo website. I had loads of fun messing around with it. Have a wonderful rest of the week :)


  5. Hi Annie! Sorry to leave everyone hanging about the vacuum! :) It's back in one piece and no longer thumping but still not picking up like it should. Lovely rose and cloud photos. Are you right on the ocean? (((Hugz)))


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