z Cottage by the Sea
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's snowing , it's late and something is wrong with blogger that I can't figure out right now. Maybe in the morning when I am awake.
It's nice to see a bit of snow anyway as long as there is no freeze with it because I don't like the icy walkways one bit.
It's been one of those super long days , the kind that start okay and end up where you are too tired to think or know what's going on.
I think bed is the best place for that.
Good night!


  1. Hello Annie, your snow sounds so pretty, I hope your weekend is going well, hugs

  2. Hi Annie, hopefully you got a wonderful night's rest. I wish it would snow here for once. It's been cold enough at night to snow. There is always something so magical about snow falling.
    I wanted to thank you so very much for your beautiful comments. They mean so very much to me. Yes I do believe in the power of prayer. And thank you for your prayers too. That first comment you left me for my Ben I could actually feel you praying for him. I know it sounds funny, but I sure could feel the warmth through my tears as I read through. Your the one that is so very special!
    Have a wonderful and glorious day!
    heartfelt (((huggs)))

  3. darn it! oh please delete one ;)

  4. Your paintings are magical...so lovely and peaceful ! Sleep sweet,the new day brings joys and unexpected help.You are loved !


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