z Cottage by the Sea : The Week Moves Along.....
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Week Moves Along.....

Wind Speed: 15 knots
Wind Direction: NW
Sea State: Choppy
Condition: Waist high
Ocean Temp: 38 F
Wave Height: 4 ft.

If you are interested in hearing old time radio, it is on 24 hours a day .

Just try HERE. I love the old time mystery radio but I am also a fan of Date with Judy, though few of them survive. You can download them easily if you wish to save some also. There are a bunch of Old Time Radio sites on the net. But OTR Now has it streaming all day long .

Sometimes I stream the radio shows here on my blog down on the small radio on the left hand column. I do that on my other blogs and usually listen while I am working on the computer.

Radio Spirts sells the shows on disc and tape.
HERE is more too!

Radio 365 Live is a great place to find all kinds of radio programs both old and new and music from all over the world.

When I hit upon a blog with a particularly nice set of tunes I often leave the page open just to hear them . I am sure others must do that too.

Today hardware cloth was put over the holes in the soffit since it seems some birds are returning. It is just to keep birds out til I get a pro here. Now I just need to get an estimate for the new soffits and gutters etc. and hopefully I can get that done soon.

There is a lot of work on this little house but I am trying and slowly getting things accomplished.


  1. Sounds like you have a lot cut out for you. Best of luck!

    I used to live alone, and I enjoyed it. Sometimes life really gives you some lemons.

  2. Won't we all be glad when warm weather gets here? I loved that picture. I can remember a big radio like that in my grandma's house with a big dial in the middle of it. Loved listening to it.

  3. Hi Annie! Jeff's grandfather was a composer and conductor on old time radio shows. He was with Benny Goodman, George Burns & Gracie Allen and others. He went by the name Felix Mills. He retired when he was only 40 years old and he and Mayma traveled until they were in their 80's.


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