z Cottage by the Sea : Monday's Twilight and Tuesday's Meme
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monday's Twilight and Tuesday's Meme

This is last night's twilight sky.
All pink and lovely as the sun was disappearing behind the trees .
I wish the wires and box were not in the way but as the water table is very high, nothing can really be put underground at all.
We don't even have basements here and many homes are on stilts. Not mine though. Still no basement means no storage. i don't have a garage either. This is a tiny bungalow cottage and when I say tiny I do mean tiny.

The Rhododendrum is in bloom. It is getting big enough that it might eat the whole front yard.
After it is done blooming it will need some pruning to get it under control.
It has to be about 20 feet long and at least 8 ft wide and its just way too big.
It is set underneath the bedroom windows on the house.
At one point it was almost above the windows and it got too dark inside so it has been pruned down to window sill height. It's a big job though.

Today was gray most of the day and I thought I heard thunder not long ago but now the sky seems to be clearing a little. as it gets later in the day.

Today is Take Five Tuesday Meme.
Here are the questions if you want to join in:

  1. 5 things you’ve read recently.
  2. 5 sites you’ve signed up for.
  3. 5 shows you’ve watched lately.
  4. 5 things you want right now.
  5. 5 things on your grocery list.

Here are my answers. Post yours then link to the Tuesday site and let people know you did the meme.
1. In the last 2 months I have read "A Great and Terrible Beauty" by Libba Bray. A very interesting Gothic type mystery.
"Dangerous Men" by Mick LaSalle a book about pre-code Hollywood and it's leading men.
"In the Footsteps of the Giant" by Christopher Scott, a touching biography of his dad Randolph Scott.
"Wallis and Edward" by Michael Blogh, the correspondence of the Duke and Dutchess of Windsor.
"Mesillat Yesharim" (path of the just) by Moshe Chayim Luzzato

2. I haven't signed up for any sites in the last month or year or really ever except blogger.

3.5 Shows: Lost, Big Bang Theory, How I Met your Mother, Angel, and some program on HGTV that was less than memorable I guess since I don't recall it.
The TV is rarely on here.

4.I want(need!!) soffits, and gutters replaced on the house.
I need to have the house repainted.
Back yard needs major yard work done.
I would like to not have pain every day.
I would like to have a red whistling tea kettle.

5.Orange juice, bread,cat food, tea, milk.


  1. Hi Annie! Ryan's waking up and crying just as I'm starting this note. :) Dishwasher's in, no chemo for Kali today- blood count too low again, thanks for your concern. There are companies now that so the seamless gutters- they come and measure them right at your house. It's nice. Sorry I'm rushing. (((Hugz)))

  2. Hi Annie!
    Thank you so much for your sweet comments for my kitty. I miss him terribly.
    The rhododendrum is just beautiful and how wonderful to have it get so big. Even if you do have to prune it back, it must be very healthy!
    The sunset is beautiful too!
    I love your Five Meme answers. I hope you get the red tea kettle! that sounds nice. I hope you get the gutters too. We need gutters really bad. No one uses gutters it seems in the south for some odd reason. All these new houses and not a single gutter on them. I noticed that when we lived in Florida too. We don't have basements here either. And I have no storage whatsoever. Oh well, can't complain too much. I love your sweet smilie over there with the balloons doing the countdown! he's bright and cheerful
    luv ya sweetee!

  3. Hi Annie,
    Thank you for the sweet comment. I'm not sure what we're doing this week-end, we kind of just do spontaneous things. At least my hubby is feeling better.
    We just had a real nice rain so I didn't have to go out and water everything. Same thing happened yesterday. It's nice having someone from above water everything for me ;) I hope you have a wonderful week-end too!


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