z Cottage by the Sea : Palm Trees in New Jersey?
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Palm Trees in New Jersey?


his is New Jersey and yes these are palm trees. We found out long ago that they grow nicely on the beaches here and so they brought them in and planted them.

They add some needed shade and they look nice but also I wonder if they also stabilize the sand. I don't know but I like them.

I have plans for this week.I want to pare down my closet in the laundry room.
I don't have many closets in the house and the two that I do have in the bedrooms are itty bitty old fashioned ones. The rest are free standing wardrobes ...one for linen and one for coats and one in the laundry room for tools and cleaners. They are nice, neat looking white laminate closets. Not bad really.
I hope to toss out a lot in the laundry room one and then move it to my bedroom as a nice place to store sweaters, sweatshirts, tee shirts and maybe some more linen. Big plans but who knows.

Today is a bright,sunny day with lovely temperature. We had a terrible lightning and rain storm on Friday night. My two cats were just frozen with terror, so even they are glad for today's lovely weather.


  1. wow.. Palm trees!!! looks like a pic of hawaii...Thank for your nice comments on my blog! I wish I had small closets becuase I would have to not have the mess I have now..I need to really clean them and simplifiy..My mom has Fibro..and something you said stuck a note with me..since I turned 50..if I do a big project, gardening , cleannin ect.. I have terrible pains later...I wonder if the onset of this starts like that...yesterday I did my garage and it sooo wiped me out...

  2. I miss palm trees. I miss the ocean. I miss the beach. (I don't miss sandfleas.)

    Dystonia is the same way. When my medicine is functioning I can work really hard and be tolerable the next day. If it's not, then I'm out for the week.

    Hope you're able to get the cleaning done without problems. :)

  3. Hi Annie! We have palm trees in CA and I am always surprised when someone points them out and is excited about them.. I guess I just take them for granted. That and fruit trees. When we were in Palm Springs, they had another variety of palm tree that I thought was so pretty. I googled palm trees and found out there are many, many varieties. I guess I'd be surprised to find them on the east coast other than Florida, of course. :) Hope you have a great week! (((Hugz)))


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