z Cottage by the Sea
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, July 24, 2009

today: tonight: tomorrow: 

ove this pretty garden.
It's so nice when things spill off over fences and out into the street. It brings such a lush and happy look to everything. It isn't easy to grow things like this by the beach. Mugho pines thrive in the sandy soil but the rest really need top soil brought it.
This yard's just so well tended I had to share it with you.

These homes are just a block or so off the ocean itself.
What I especially like is the look of striped awnings on houses. It really adds such a cute cottage look even to a fairly large house.

I had a very busy day today washing all the floors with a lavendar scented floor cleaner and doing much needed cleaning. It was worth it as the house smells so nice now, but I wanted a cup of tea so badly. But, everytime I made one, something came up and it would sit til it got ice cold. Phone, this, that, the next thing.
Living alone has advantages but it also has its draw backs. I often think how nice it would be to have someone just bring me a cup of hot tea and not have to haul myself to the kitchen for it.
Now, not all the time but just once in a while you kind of feel lazy or worn out and it would be so nice.........
But the work is done now and Sunday company is coming in the afternoon and the cottage will look presentable hopefully. Well, as presentable as it gets , that is.

Hope that your day is sunny and happy tomorrow.


  1. Hi Annie: Your home sounds so lovely. Enjoy your company tomorrow. HUGS

  2. Living alone can be better. Just imagine if the person living with you was a lazy guy. You still wouldn't necessarily get your tea, and then you'd have to clean up after him on top of that. See, you have it good!

  3. Hi Annie :)

    What a lovely garden! Your home sounds so wonderful. You make me believe you're Mrs. Muir or that's the way I picture you in my mind ;)

    I hope you had a wonderful time with friends!


  4. Hi Annie, How are you? It's a dark rainy day here, but we need the rain and it makes things a little cooler. Enjoyed your beautiful pictures...have a good week!

  5. Hi Annie! That is a lovely and large cottage. Very seaside looking like what I would expect in Martha's Vineyard or the like.

    We're back safe and sound and I posted a link to Justin's backpacking photos today and Tuesday, I'll have a few selected ones that I took. Still going thru all the photos and videos, too.



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