z Cottage by the Sea : Hot!
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, August 5, 2009



ecause it's August, it's hot, humid and yukky. I hope this is a passing fancy on the part of the weather. I like it cooler. Much cooler. We are due for thunder storms which might cool us down a bit.
Full Sturgeon moon has arrived and tonight is a penumbral eclipse of the moon.Sturgeon are huge and caught more readily in the Great Lakes at this time of year. It's also called the Green Corn Moon by the Iroquois.
Joanne Shenandoah has a lovely version of Under the Green Corn Moon, an Iroquois lullaby.
It's listed under "Oneida Iroquois, Joanne Shenandoah on THIS page and you can download an entire album of American Indian lullabies here. They are beautiful and babies love the sound.
Joanne Shenandoah has a beautiful, peaceful voice. Her albums won't disappoint anyone I think.

It enters penumbra at 7:01 P.M. EDT and leaves it at 10:17 P.M. EDT and you will be able to see it if you live on the East coast or in the central states.
If you noticed the moon has been pinkish for a bit.

In August flies and moths begin to damage fruit so its a good idea to beat them to the punch.
You can trap flies and moths before they damage your fruit trees by mixing together 1 cup water, 1/2 cup cider vinegar, 1/2 cup sugar, and 1 tablespoon molasses. Pour into small containers and hang one or two traps per tree. Clean and refill traps every few days.
It's simple and it works.

Wednesday is here when you list what you want. Today's is what do you want to accomplish this month. Click the logo to find out about it.

I want to paint my bathroom, fix the shower stall and put in one of those in cabinet garbage thingies. (that's the technical term for it.) Its a wire thing that holds your garbage bag. Not sure if its a great idea but I plan to try it anyway.
Also hoping to go on a picnic or two at the bay and take some nice photos.

What do you want to do?


  1. I want a Koenigsegg CCX. Somehow, I think I'm more likely to get a copy of The Rolling Stones, You Can't Always Get What You Want.

    Good luck on getting the things you want and fixing up your house!

  2. Annie I think I want too MUCH! I would luv to get my MRI soon because this business of two broken knees is starting to make life quite difficult. There is so much more that I want but if I really wanted to get something material, I would have to say my floors and kitchen done for starters…that’s two…Oh well, I did say I wanted lots.

    Hope your area gets cooler, I feel for you. Our whole family hates the heat and suffers when the temperatures go real high. Just to show you, we filled the old pond liner yesterday and my son, the dog and I took turns cooling off in it! It worked!!!

    Luv your new banner…great work! My daughter would adore to be one of those kids in the waves.Take care and hope you get some of those things.Enjoy your seaside....I miss it terribly!

    Hugs Annabelle

  3. Annie, I was wondering where you are broadcasting from? And no I'm not a stalker but Cape May....N.J. NEW JERSEY? The sound of the sea calls to me....you lucky gal....luv the sea!!!!I would go treasure hunting every day if I lived there. Oh well, we can dream!
    Take care
    Hugs Annabelle

  4. Hi Annie! A very Farmer's Almanac- type entry today. We used to teach our 2nd graders all about moon phases. It was so cute to hear them say waxing and waning in their little baby accents! ;)

    We're kind of heat lovers here in my family but SoCal heat isn't humid normally. We'd basically be a desert if we didn't take N. California's water but that's another whole story! ;) (((Hugz)))

  5. First - Love your new header !!One can almost feel the spray and smell the salt breeze !
    I want to finish the re-purposing of Mother's old room...need for it to be a tranquil workspace . It seems to be the pivotal room...once it's organized and done , the others will fall into place .
    It's so wonderful to visit here...like a mini-vacation...Thank you !!!


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