z Cottage by the Sea : Blah Monday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, October 12, 2009

Blah Monday

Rain forecast for tonight and I felt it all day. My back was aching and aching and so I feel a bit under the weather. Nothing serious just blah.
I slept so late because of it though and have been sleepy all day. They say weather effects how you feel. I think it's true.

Tonight is one of the few television programs I actually watch , Big Bang Theory. It's fun though I don't always like some of the references. Most tv today is not "family" oriented sad to say.
The public doesn't seem to mind either. Not sure what to think of that.

Weather is getting colder at night, warming up a bit in the day but not much really.
The holidays are over and were successful and lovely. The food was great, the company nice and the family kids had a great time. It's good when things come together for good isn't it?

Have a nice night and a better Tuesday!
I guess I will be back to memes tomorrow as I haven't done one in a while.
I hope you will do them too since they are a great way to get to know people.


  1. Hi Annie: I'm sorry you've felt so blah.I hope today is better. It's rainy here today, but tomorrow shoould be sunny, so that's good. Have a great day. HUGS

  2. Hi Annie! We're getting rain here today. The first since May, I believe. The freeways get so slick because of the oil buildup so Jess and the boys stayed safely at home. Photos will have to wait. Glad you had such a nice time with your family. Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! Hope you feel better as the week goes on! (((Hugz)))


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