z Cottage by the Sea : Sunny Today
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sunny Today

I finally got the carpet that I needed for the living room with my gift certificate.

I am fairly happy with it. Its nice looking and the colors are soft and muted.Since the furniture is antique Victorian it fits.
You can click to make it larger. Its 9X7 ft so it covers a nice spot in in front of the sofa and keeps the room a lot warmer than the cold bare floors.

And Baby Doll was with me for a few hours today. She is 2 now and so super polite. Everything is please and thank you. She is a very gentle child.
She was moving so much I could not really get a lot of unblurry photos. But this one I love since she was laughing so much.

She inherited my hair and eyes. Nice to see yourself reflected in someone you love like this.I am glad to be young enough to still enjoy playing and running around with her too.

We had a lunch of cheese, fruit and chocolate milk. A gourmet lunch when you are 2

Hope your day is going well.


  1. The rug is lovely , indeed ! And the little one is darling...dancing eyes and bouncing curls...great combo ! So good to hear she's polite . It's a skill well taught in youth that makes life easier later on ...Bravo !

  2. Hi Annie,
    I like your new rug. It is very pretty and would fit well with victorian furniture for sure. I am guessing baby doll is your Grandaughter?? She is adorable blurry picture and all. Justin Timberlake has been in at least a dozen movies. He was great in Alpha Dog which was a true story about a young boy named Nicholas Markowitz that was killed here locally by a guy called Jesse James Hollywood that killed him because his brother owed him money for drugs. A very sad story that happened in the area I live a few years back. Justin played a part of the gang that hung out with Jesse James. He was really good too! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Dru

  3. Hi Annie;

    That is a truly lovely carpet. That's my type of styling too. :)

    What a little beauty your babydoll is! I wouldn't mind her gourmet lunch for myself! LOL!

    Have a lovely weekend my friend. Hugs

  4. I know where you bought it from, cuz I just bought one too! lol. Its in my spare bedroom. Too funny to come here and see my own rug staring back at me here online :)

  5. Hi Annie what a gorgeous carpet. I love it. Baby doll is a cutie pie!!!
    Lunch with your baby doll sounds yummy! to be a child again. She is sure sweet looking and wiggly for sure. Have a great weekend. big hugs

  6. Hi Annie! Oh a perfect little girlfriend for Ryan! She's a doll and glad you got to spend time with her and "do lunch!" Glad you were able to get a nice rug and it does look like it would go very well with Victorian furniture. Wishing you a great week ahead! (((Hugz)))

  7. Good Morning !
    Hope you dried out from all the rain...time to buckle down for the snow and high winds due on Thursday and Friday . What's with this weather ?? Stay warm and cozy...and keep those wonderful photos coming !


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