z Cottage by the Sea : Late Start to a Busy Day
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Late Start to a Busy Day

ain has finally stopped today and it's actually lovely and sunny now. I need to make a sunshine icon to match this rainy one. I have a few little projects I want to do like build a pot rack to free up a cabinet . It just makes more sense for me to give away most of my cooking utensils to my daughter and just have a small set for myself. So I have been finding plans online and will have to head to Home Depot, or as we call it, home despot to find the materials.
I also want to build book shelves in my living room on the walls on either side of the bay window. That will also free up floor space as I can get rid of my barrister bookcases one of which has seen better days. Having plans to do things doesn't mean getting them done though or having the money to accomplish them, but we shall see what develops!
I am babysitting tonight as it's parent teacher night so this will be short since I got a very late start to my day today.

Heat has been kicking on for the past 3 days as it is the days of the three chilly saints, Mamertus, Pancras, Servatius and during their feast days the weather can revert to winter chill very quickly. It happens so often that in Europe they try only to plant after their days have passed. In the Julian Calendar these times were always associated with late frosts. I found out today that St. Sophia is also an ice saint in Germany and that she is also associated with late freezes and frosts.
Hope your day is going well... I am off to get ready to go out.


  1. Happy Thursday Annie;

    There are so many little projects I'd like to do myself but....there's always a but! LOL! Again I learned something from you Annie. I had never heard of May 11-13th being the "Three chilly saints" days or that it can snow or freeze around those days. Well here it lived up to the chilly saints days. LOL!! Hopefully by tomorrow I can shut down the heat and open some windows.
    Have a lovely evening my friend. Hugs

  2. I've heard something of the "Three Chilly Saints", I think in an Hungarian or German folklore-book. We don't have them in Italy, it's nice to learn new things, thanks. Have a lovely weekend.

  3. This Summer girl is less than amused ! Can't those three chilly saints do their thing in winter ? Their timing is not fair !!
    Have a wonderful time with the little ones...such a blessing .I wish you warmer , dry days and all projects speedily accomplished to your satisfaction !


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