z Cottage by the Sea : Foretaste of Humid Summer
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Foretaste of Humid Summer

Suddenly we are hit with some higher temperaturs, or more to the point high humidity. That is what I dislike most about summer and though it is still 18 days until summer officially arrives, it is too humid for me and the high humidity and heat are why South Jersey is considered a sub-tropical climate.
But the warm weather brings some good things with it, like a science fair at the great anonymous kid's school. She did a wonderful job with a project showing electrical circuits. She's a straight A student and we are all pretty proud of her. Afterward we got some Chinese food which tastes great at the time but the MSG and all that sodium makes me swell up like a toad the next day. Yuk. But she enjoyed it immensely so that was the point of it all, and I think little celebrations are good for children.
She adores her teacher which is the best thing that can happen for children in school and can make all the difference for them.

I thought I would share some photos I took of a new family in my neighborhood.

Two proud parents. See them behind the reeds there?
Their little nest is tucked into them safely.

See on the left, their little family? Three darling little goslings, all ready for their first swim.

And off they go ....
Daddy, Mama and Huey, Dewey and Louie!


  1. Hi Annie;

    We too are in the summer heat and humidity with a few thunderstorms thrown in just to make it interesting. LOL!
    I think celebrations are wonderful for deserving anonymous kids. ;-}

    Love your new neighbors. Mama & Papa Goose must be very happy with their three goslings. Have a lovely day my friend. Hugs

  2. Lovely pics of the new family....
    and I love the summer header.

  3. Hi Annie,
    I took a look at all your headers they are lovely ;) Sorry about that humidity. I know what it feels like too! Caribbean, Hawaii, Florida to name a few where I experienced it YIKES! Hope it lets up a little for you! So now the great anonymous kid must ne related to you?? Good for her with the straight A's I wish I could brag about my grandkids grades ;) I love your new family in the pond or lake? They are adorable and so lucky not to be near the oil volcano :( I have to turn off the TV when they go to show the animals too heartbreaking! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Hugs, Dru

  4. Hi Annie, I can't bear humidity, & I'm so thankful that we don't have to deal with that here. If so, the high summer temps here (which can reach 117) would really be unbearable.

    Congrats to the 'great anonymous kid! I too am a firm believer in celebrations for kids. I find reasons to celebrate everything! :-)

    Loved your photos & your last post Annie. It's so sweet to visit here. Have a wonderful day. Hugs!

  5. Hello , Annie !
    What cute photos...love the sound the babies make - a dear little peep,peep,peep . The humidity is a kicker . I wish you a cool , dry-air Summer and much joy ! Congratulations on the anonymous kid - she is great , indeed !

  6. Hello Annie, what a cute little family, the photos are great. I sure know what you mean about humidity, it's no fun. The great anonymous kid sounds fantastic, glad you had such a great time. Have a great weekend, hugs

  7. Hi Annie!
    Sorry about the humidity. We get it here too, yuck!
    Happy to hear about the great anonymous kid. :-)

    Loved your pics of the geese. We have a lot of geese here in our canal. Right now there are 4 families. One family has 20 babies, I kid you not! We have counted them more then once and I took some pics. I need to get them on my blog.

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend.


  8. just a quick hello before I start my day...
    Visiting your site is always a treat - beautiful artwork , timely posts and great photos ! Keep up the good work ! Today should be easier...the temps and humidity are forecast to be lower...Yay !

  9. Hi Annie! The goslings are so sweet! We rarely get humidity here- we're more desert heat- but it is uncomfortable. I remember stepping off the plane in Hawaii for the first time and feeling like I was breathing thru a warm, wet sponge. Making my visits quickly as we have our fireplace workers here and I'm keeping the pets from getting in their way or out the open front door. Congrats to your grandaughter and her school successes! Enjoy the week ahead! (((Hugz)))


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