z Cottage by the Sea : Subtropical Blogging...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, June 28, 2010

Subtropical Blogging...

Thank you all for your kind words of comfort. They were much appreciated.

"morning on the ocean"
y now, if you have watched or heard of the program Real Wives of New Jersey, you have heard of the Jersey "table flip". Well, I never did and I was born and raised here, but it seems to be popular in north Jersey. Odd, but interesting.

I watched a few episodes online because it was like watching a train wreck, you're just fascinated that people can actually do those things and think its all normal.

While they might be real housewives they are certainly not typical in any universe I know.
Summer is just a week old and already the weather here this week is awful. Sunny? Check. Blue skies? Check! Lovely fluffy white clouds? Check! Subtropical temps? In full swing!
Humidity?Upwards of 80%.... oh please..It's like the Bahamas at high noon.

I love where I live but honestly I would love to move in the summer to Prince Edward Island or even to Maine because I just crave cooler temperatures and they have lovely beaches too, especially PEI which is on the Gulf Stream.

But summer brings great pleasures, like tomatoes off the vine, fresh picked corn, peppers, hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill , ice cold iced tea and a tall glass of frosty coca cola or homemade root beer or sarsasparilla. Oh.. be still my heart.
As a kid we ate that way all summer long. Mother would pile plates with sliced tomato, fresh garden grown lettuce, water cress from the stream by the house and there would be corn on the cob dripping with melted butter.

Oh wanted to share something with you that I found and think might be helpful .It's for help with cholesterol and stomach problems, even ulcers etc.
You make your coffee but add Cinnamon to it or put a Cinnamon stick in the cup and 4-6 drops of Louisiana hot sauce, or some kind anyway.
Now I don't like hot sauce, but I tried this today.. having a cup right now and it's delicious. My cholesterol is very low but maybe this will help keep it that way.
Cinnamon also helps people with diabetes to stay on track. The hot sauce is good for the stomach and digestion. I found the recipe for this method on Yahoo health and you do NOT taste the hot sauce at all! It really makes a nice cup of coffee and it's good for you too.
The article said the secret to good chocolates is hot sauce in the mix! Who knew??
Feeding pepper to chickens is how you prevent salmonella in them and their eggs.
Yahoo says: "Cayenne, also known as Capsaicin, has been shown to aid digestion, ease muscle pain with topical treatment, relieve cluster headaches, lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease, plus others......Cinnamon goes back to ancient times and has been used to soothe indigestion, prevent stomach ulcers, prevent tooth decay and a whole host of other problems. Science finds that cinnamon has antiseptic qualities and also helps diabetics metabolize sugar."

I found a couple of interesting recipes for coffee made this way andam posting them on my Rock and Roll Cafe.

I will be around today visiting since I really took a while off for other things.
I hope everyone is having the best of summers.


  1. Hi Annie,
    I have never wacthed that show or any of those Real Wives show from all over the states. I know they are popular but not my cup of tea really ;) Sorry about ypu humidity :( I know how it feels from going to the Bahamas echy!! Great remedy for ulcers and cholesterol. I am lucky also to have low cholesterol too! But that is great to know. Hope you are doing OK? Have a wonderfuk week ahead Annie ;)
    Hugs, Dru

  2. I didnt know you had a food blog. I wandered over there and I love it....kosher? Im surprised but I always look for kosher stuff cuz I know its better. I should have expected that tho from my fav NJ blogger. :) BTw that photo is gorgeous.

    I dont watch any of the NJ shows, they are all bogus. Just like that one down the shore....have you noticed most of those people are from NY or the island? Gives NJ a bad name, so stereotyped, I hate it. All my life Ive been trying to teach folks NJ people are NOT like that. sigh.

  3. Hi Annie,
    I've heard of the cinnamon in coffee but not the hot sauce. I don't drink coffee except maybe a Starbucks decaf possible once a week and I haven't even had that in over a month. My blood pressure has always been low, and I've always had low cholesterol, but it's always a good idea to get it checked now and then.
    I've never seen the NJ Housewives show lol
    I'm with you in craving some cooler temps, it's unbearable outside and there is no way you want to be out in it. It's even hard to breathe out there.
    Homemade rootbear sounds great, something else I have never experienced.
    When we used to visit our grandparents, they always had plates of homegrown cucumbers, tomatoes, corn on the cob that was just wonderful. I will always remember it.
    The morning ocean pic is just beautiful.

  4. Hi Annie;

    I never watched the Real Housewives show after seeing it advertised on one of the morning shows. Not my kind of viewing. I put it in the catagory of Desperate Housewives, another false view of neighborhood families. Lately I do more channel surfing than actually watching shows and finally I just shut the TV off altogether. I've started to watch my mystery dvds i.e.; Poirot, Miss Marple, Midsomer Murders, etc. all over again. I have a 300 dvd collection. LOL!

    I've been mixing ground cinnamon in my coffee grounds each day when I mske my pot of coffee. It's habit by now. I never heard of the hot sauce though and doubt if I'll use it. I don't have cholesterol or diabetes problems thank goodness.

    I love the morning on the ocean photo, it's so peaceful looking. Have a lovely day my friend. Hugs

  5. Dear Annie ,
    No fair ! I'm sitting here drooling over your tempting list of summer foods...my all time favorites ! Despite the energy-draining humidity , this is the season I look forward to and seem to come alive in . Summer shifts and bare feet...beautiful flowers and home-grown veggies...THE BEACH !! Aaaahhhh...
    I wish you a comfortable , fulfilling day . Thank you for sharing all these goodies !

  6. Hi Annie, thanks for the visit. I really enjoyed my weekend get away. We normally go at the end of July when the weather is warmer. It was foggy until our last day but that was okay. My family is doing well though we miss our mom, she is not suffering. We don't get really humid here, mostly dry windy weather. I am off to check your recipes. Happy 4th of July!

  7. It's hot here too but the humidity isn't too bad. I'm trying not to complain after complaining all winter and spring about it being cold. I'm sorry to hear about your brother.

  8. Hi Annie,
    Happy 4th of July! Have a wonderful sound and safe Holiday weekend :)
    Hugs, Dru


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