z Cottage by the Sea : Forth and Fifth!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Forth and Fifth!


We had a late afternoon picnic then went outside to see the fireworks.

Left: Sunset before the fireworks last night. The sky was spectacular. The photo doesn't do it enough justice.
Photos were taken with an HTC Droid Eris phone.
The breeze was lovely, salty and clean. It was warm and balmy and we had a 360 degree view of fireworks from many towns on our little island.
Many sailboats were anchored for the night in the cove .

Then the sun set and we saw many lovely displays all around us.
We returned home to coffee and cookies and several rounds of 5 card stud and Texas Hold Em til 2 AM.

Lovely day!

For the first time we saw fire lanterns sent off into the sky at night. Very thrilling to see.
They rose higher and higher up into the sky and out over the open ocean.


I just returned from seeing The Last Airbender and I have to tell you it was a wonderful. We just loved it.
I discovered the cartoon version of M. Night Shymalan's Avatar:The Last Airbender when the great anonymous kid and I used to watch it on television. I enjoyed it and the concept even as a little cartoon series but the movie is just super.

It is well done, has wonderful visual effects and the actors are credible and enjoyable. We adults loved it but kids are enthralled with the magic of it all and it certainly opens up their minds to great aspirations.

The movie is from a series of stories by M. Night Shymalan and though many critics panned the movie, as usual the theatre audience loved it.
If critics could make movies they might have a leg to stand on but they just usually trash other people's work. I resent their uppity views as they think they know it all when they clearly do not.
As a kid I remember being amazed by the names that scrolled on and on in credits. I was impressed by the hard work and effort that went into making even the most simple of films.
All of the negative reviews reveal a jaded bunch of people in America who have lost their ability to dream and see magic. I wonder if most critics are just frustrated movie makers and actors who know they don't have enough talent so they tear down other people's work.
It's very sad I think.

Most movies I had really liked were panned by critics. What do they know!


  1. Hi Annie;

    I'm back and dying from the heat and humidity. LOL! I hope this posts as the comments on my site aren't showing up and so I've activated my Cbox comment board for now.

    Great photos and your 4th of July sounds like it was a lovely time. I wrote about mine in today's post.

    I'm so looking forward to seeing "The Last Airbender" as I always enjoy M. Night Shymalan's movies. I never go by what the critics say when it comes to him. I bet it's fantastic in 3-D. Thanks for your review on it as it makes me want to see it more. :)

  2. Oh I've never seen nor heard of the fire lanterns. how wonderful they are! I would love to see them.

    I will have to keep the movie in mind and watch it soon. I would trust your review anytime.

    So glad you had a wonderful 4th. Your pictures came out a lot better than mine!

    Love the new background and always the headers ♥

  3. HI Annie I never feel like the critics ever get movies right. Everything I hate they love and whatever I love they hate. LOL! I love your fireworks photo that turned out good for being on cell phone. I don't know how to get a photo to the computer from my cell. That is crazy for someone like me, because I am pretty computer savy, but I don't have online access either so I am sure it's a pain for me, and I feel not worth it for me. But your photo turned out so good! I am pretty amazed!
    I have not heard of the movie you watched "The Last Airbender" it reminds me of some old movie. Have a great weekend. hugs

  4. Hi Annie,
    Great pictures of the fireworks. We watched them over Lake Tahoe and known of the pictures taken at night turned out good. They were spectacular. I never listen to critics either. I am a BIG M Night fan! I have seen all his movies. I saw the A Team today and enjoyed it a lot, well Bradley Cooper and Liam Neesen are easy on the eyes I might say. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.
    Hugs, Dru

  5. Oh my gosh! I've never seen the fire lanterns--that must have been awesome. It's hot here. It's unbearably humid here. Looking forward to autumn...I promise!


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