z Cottage by the Sea : Weekend Wishes

Friday, July 16, 2010

Weekend Wishes

Have a lovely and cool weekend everyone.
Its very hot here and ozone is unhealthy but, I am hoping the rest of the weekend is cooler and nicer somehow.
Keeping good thoughts anyway though its supposed to be even hotter tomorrow and Sunday. Ugh.
I will be spending the weekend reading I think...... enjoy whatever you do


  1. Hi Annie;

    It's been hot and humid here too. I've been spending all my time reading and watching TV. The humidity makes me very lazy and tired. LOL! I have nothing planned for the weekend. Anyway, you have a lovely and hopefully a cooler weekend my friend. Hugs

  2. Hi Annie,
    Hope you are having a great weekend. We are hot hear too. I was reading the that it is the hottest July all over the world!
    Stay cool and enjoy your reading.
    Hugs. Dru

  3. The humidity here in South Florida is ridiculous. My hair is a mess, even in a ponytail!!!

  4. Hello Annie, I love your new header & background. It's hot & very humid here on the Gulf Coast too. Storms don't help. I love to read, what are you reading right now? Have a great week, hugs

  5. Hi Annie! Thanks for visiting while I've been MIA! I think they might finish up today. We will have lots of work after but at least we won't be confined to the downstairs and the cats stuck in a bathroom! They've about had it! ;) I agree about the critics. So many of the movies that get raves are totally boring and the fun blockbusters get panned. They are snobs most of them! ;) Hope you had a nice weekemd with a good book! (((Hugz)))


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