z Cottage by the Sea : Earl? Get Lost.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Earl? Get Lost.

They say "Earl" might become a category 5 hurricane , its a 4 now, and it is headed for the Carolina outer banks. It will then come here.
Well, I don't like Earl and he isn't welcome and this Jersey girl will be telling him just how unwelcome he is if he tries to come around here.

Earl is causing nasty rip tides right now so swimmers have been warned.

Let's just look at some boats in the cove here just to the left of me a bit and relax. You can smell the salt air. Its 95 °F today but the breeze is nice.

Time enough to worry when Earl gets closer.
Meanwhile we will ask for protection for our Carolina friends.


  1. Hello Annie, it's great to have wild flowers, we have wild honeysuckle in spring. I hope Earl won't be too bad, at least it doesn't seem to want to "hit" the coast directly like they tend to do here. I hope you're having a great week, the cove looks so peaceful.

  2. Hi Annie! Hope Earl stays away. I know Sandy is in S. Carolina but not sure how close to the coast she is. We are looking forward to the new TV season, too. We have a few series that we watch during the summer- like Mad Men. (((Hugz)))

  3. Hi Annie;

    I hate Earl too and the fact that he's traveling up the east coastline. We are supposed to get his unwelcomed visit by Friday and I'm definitely not looking forward to it. I hope the weather system from the west comes in soon enough to keep him from coming on shore and pushes him out to the ocean to die a fast death. LOL!!

    The coast looks lovely by you and I can almost smell the salt air and feel the breeze (okay, so my a/c is providing the breeze) ;-}

    Have a lovely day my friend.

  4. Hi Annie, oh I have so much catching up to do. But it's fun to do. I especially love your 'visiting other blogs' entry a few posts down below, and that was a great friendship story and so true. I love your black-eyed susans and the fishies too. It's so beautiful where you live, and don't worry I've never seen Jersey Shore, so I wouldn't compare the show to NJ anyway.
    Well! the big news is Earl. Wow hopefully we are going to be very lucky (knock on wood) but I am fearful for everyone else up the East coast. I've been to the Outer Banks and it really is so beautiful there. There are sand dunes all over the place that make it so unique. I'm sure you have some there too as depicted in some of your lovely paintings. Yes people that live along the East Coast know this is expected. But still it doesn't make it right. They showed Cape May, NJ (?) (I could be wrong about the name) on the weather channel this morning. Are you anywhere near there. It was so pretty. You have been in my thoughts ! Oh, btw what kind of name is "Earl" how dreadful and unclassy. Next we will have an "Ernie" or Ernest. anyway I'm not trying to make light of something that is so scary. Do you have a place to evacuate to if need be? One never knows about these things. I certainly wouldn't want to be anywhere around him.
    Stay safe ♥

  5. Wowie the shark video was exciting, did you take it yourself? I loved how everyone was so excited on the beach lol he was pretty brave to come all the way to the shore. Thanks for posting. I loved it.
    Your tomatoes are so pretty. Great idea to put the pond water on them.
    Loved your sweet little "from my kitchen to yours" picture. That's a good idea and I think I will do the same sometime just for you.
    Take care and be safe ♥

  6. Oh i was going to mention i have my kitchen tools in a blue and white vase too LOL

  7. Ciao Annie,hope Earl stays away. Hope you are having a great day! :)

  8. Time to start singing Goodbye Earl ......by The Dixie Chicks.....maybe it will scare him away hehehehe


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