z Cottage by the Sea : No Rain, Just Sun.

Monday, August 16, 2010

No Rain, Just Sun.

No rain , just tiny , itty bitty little drizzles and my plants were wilted this morning.
My small lilac especially was begging for a drink so I put the hose on his roots for a while and he perked up a bit.
There is a promise of rain in all the forecasts but they are always wrong.
What falls is more of a mist for minutes, then nothing.

The past two days were actually kind of breezy and cool and a welcome change from the heat we have had this summer.
At the bay and the ocean the temperatures are always lower and nights are cool.
We spent one night at the ocean taking in the breeze and letting the little people ride on some amusements.
There is a program on now called Jersey Shore in which only one character is really from NJ. The rest are New Yorkers. What a bad example they are setting for a nice place. It really is too bad. Television has sunk to new lows with many of these reality shows but they do get a large audience. It reminds me of the Roman circuses which had to also be pretty awful.
In the meanwhile I have cleaned out the large pond filters twice in a week now and the pond is almost crystal clear once again. I will post some photos tomorrow but today Blogger is having issues with loading large pictures.
The photo today is of the bay as seen through the pines.


  1. Oh Annie, would you like to swap your weather with mine? ;) There is a promise of sun in all the forecasts but they are always wrong and we ALWAYS get rain... *sigh* Have a happy week! :)

  2. So nice to visit you ! The header is a real beauty and your photos make me feel as though I'm right there . Thank you for what you do !
    Looking forward to your pond pictures and reading more about your
    days . Enjoy your evening and the cool breezes !

  3. Hi Annie,
    I have never seen Jersey Shores. Heard a little about it in the news. The only reality shows I watch are Survivor and Celebrity Rehab. Look forward to see your pond pictures. Great picture of the bay. Have a wonderful Tuesday.
    Hugs, Dru

  4. I'm so glad they don't get reality shows here. They had a French one for a while but I think it's gone now. I didn't like those survivor shows either.

  5. Hi Annie! I've read that about the Jersey Shore cast- that they aren't even from NJ. As much as I like TV, I've never watched that show. I like Idol, DWTS, So You Think You Can Dance but I don't really consider those reality shows. To me, they are more like what used to be "variety shows." We don't have those anymore like the old Carol Burnette Show. I do love Survivor and Amazing Race but that's because I'm a sociology major from way back and I enjoy the relationship dynamics of those shows. Also enjoy the locations. Hope you get a nice refreshing downpour! (((Hugz)))

  6. Your weather sounds awesome, I hope your lilac is doing better. The photo is very pretty too. It's always cooler on the shore, it's the same here too & our temperatures are never as high as in other areas of the South.

  7. Hi Annie,
    I love that you know how many steps to your daughters house. The kids us to live exactly 9 blocks away when they were here 6 1/2 years ago and soon they will be 2 miles up the street in the hills I can see from my house. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Hugs, Dru


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