z Cottage by the Sea : Sunny Monday and New Header

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sunny Monday and New Header

t's a sunny Monday and the temps have risen to 70°F and that's not bad.
I found this darling video of rapping kitteh's and goggies (its the I can Haz Cheezeburger terms for cats and dogs) and thought I would share it with you as it is a nice way to put a smile on your face at the start of the week.
Never a bad thing to smile and have a chuckle. Hope it makes you smile.

The new header was painted for my daughter who asked for this. Since October is known for it's dark stormy nights and since reading mystery novels is often associated with autumn, etc. I have put this new header up to try it out.
I imagine the people inside sitting by a fire reading Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie when suddenly a fierce autumn storm blows up... lightning cracks and they all jump. An eerie feeling settles on them as the trees scratch at the windows and lights flicker.


  1. Hi Annie;

    Cute video :) I absolutely love your new header! Your artwork is really wonderful! I would be reading the same books as the people inside read. Did you happen to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie on PBS last night? Even though the story took place in modern day, they kept the same names, same address and almost the same story. Watching it, I almost forgot it was modern day except for laptops and cellphones. I was pleasantly surprised. If you missed it, you can watch it online. Have a lovely beginning of the week my friend. Hugs

  2. Looove the header !
    You are so talented.


  3. Fantastic header, Annie! I like the way the roof looks like a witches hat. :) I used to love decorating my blog for all the holidays and seasons. Wordpress isn't as easy for me as the way I used to have my blog- in inline frames, etc...

    The wok pan is really great- it's the hottest one made. The best tip was to stirfry the meat in small batches so it doesn't get too liquidy which stews the meat.

    Enjoy the week ahead! (((Hugz)))

  4. I'm not the biggest fan of rap music but I listened to the whole song to see the cats and dogs "sing" :) So cute!

    I love your new header Annie. It does look like a dark and stormy night. The moon has such a bright glow and I like how the leaves are blowing off the tree like little ghosts. You are so talented!

  5. Hi Annie,
    What a cute video ;) I really like your new header. I guess tour daughter must be a blogger too. Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday.
    Hugs, Dru

  6. Hi Annie! That is a cute video and your new header is amazing! 70 temps sound really nice...we are still warming up to the high 80's.
    Hugs and blessings,

  7. Ciao Annie, I love-love-love your new header and what people inside that house are doing ;) in a stormy night! Perfect for the season! :)
    Cute video too. Have a lovely evening and Wednesday ahead!


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