Friday, July 30, 2010


Just three tomato plants in one very large container.
They are the "patio" variety.
I grew them in a container because I wanted them close to the porch where I can get to them easily. (I don't walk too well sometimes)
Since I live alone 3 plants is more than enough for me for summer.
I eat tomatoes almost every single day. They are one of my favorite foods.

Already I have had a good harvest of delicious tomatoes from these 3 plants.
I put marigolds in with them to discourage bugs and it seems to be working nicely.
If I can I might plant some lettuce also. And next year I want to do even more.
I have a very large yard and it seems a shame to waste it.
My plants did well and grew quickly because I used pond water on them which makes a great fertilizer because of algae and fish poo. wink

I hope to be back to better blogging next week but I just have not been up to par lately.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Summer is Moving Along

This is the cutest idea I have seen .
Its from a 1950's magazine and it would make a darling solution for keeping baby happy and corralled while you are doing your work.
There is a window to look out, toys, everything a child needs.
I was a firm believer in corralling kids and not allowing them to get into things and myself to be stretched to the point of exhaustion.
Somewhere along the line the idea that placing children in playpens is wrong. I never fell for that.

I have been vegging out in 100°F weather with high humidity and blogging has not been a priority so I considered it a bit of a vacation away from the keyboard .
I think most are doing other things in summer besides being glued to the computer also.
My tomato plants are yielding lovely , delicious fruit, my apple tree is loaded with apples and I gave away tons of fish, and now have more to get rid of.

Today was the first nice day in a while. After a short thunderstorm yesterday afternoon it cooled down considerably and stayed nice all today. Not sure what tomorrow will bring.
I am going to build a pot rack on the side of my kitchen pantry also. I decided that it would be a ladder style that will probably hold two pots per "rung". I think it will be very simple for me to whip up and I will photo it and show you once I have it finished.

Keep cool.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Weekend Wishes

Have a lovely and cool weekend everyone.
Its very hot here and ozone is unhealthy but, I am hoping the rest of the weekend is cooler and nicer somehow.
Keeping good thoughts anyway though its supposed to be even hotter tomorrow and Sunday. Ugh.
I will be spending the weekend reading I think...... enjoy whatever you do

Monday, July 12, 2010

It's a Dad Life!

This is so much fun. All those macho Daddy's will appreciate this.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

just a quick note

blogger is having comment issues. The number is not showing but comments seem to be going up anyway. So if you want to see your comment or replies to it, just click on comments.
I have also added a Cbox.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Forth and Fifth!


We had a late afternoon picnic then went outside to see the fireworks.

Left: Sunset before the fireworks last night. The sky was spectacular. The photo doesn't do it enough justice.
Photos were taken with an HTC Droid Eris phone.
The breeze was lovely, salty and clean. It was warm and balmy and we had a 360 degree view of fireworks from many towns on our little island.
Many sailboats were anchored for the night in the cove .

Then the sun set and we saw many lovely displays all around us.
We returned home to coffee and cookies and several rounds of 5 card stud and Texas Hold Em til 2 AM.

Lovely day!

For the first time we saw fire lanterns sent off into the sky at night. Very thrilling to see.
They rose higher and higher up into the sky and out over the open ocean.


I just returned from seeing The Last Airbender and I have to tell you it was a wonderful. We just loved it.
I discovered the cartoon version of M. Night Shymalan's Avatar:The Last Airbender when the great anonymous kid and I used to watch it on television. I enjoyed it and the concept even as a little cartoon series but the movie is just super.

It is well done, has wonderful visual effects and the actors are credible and enjoyable. We adults loved it but kids are enthralled with the magic of it all and it certainly opens up their minds to great aspirations.

The movie is from a series of stories by M. Night Shymalan and though many critics panned the movie, as usual the theatre audience loved it.
If critics could make movies they might have a leg to stand on but they just usually trash other people's work. I resent their uppity views as they think they know it all when they clearly do not.
As a kid I remember being amazed by the names that scrolled on and on in credits. I was impressed by the hard work and effort that went into making even the most simple of films.
All of the negative reviews reveal a jaded bunch of people in America who have lost their ability to dream and see magic. I wonder if most critics are just frustrated movie makers and actors who know they don't have enough talent so they tear down other people's work.
It's very sad I think.

Most movies I had really liked were panned by critics. What do they know!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July.

Relax and enjoy friends, family and fun if you can. Whatever you do be thankful for the freedom our ancestors fought for.
America is a great nation and has been greatly blessed.

In generations gone by they read the Declaration of Independence on July 4 each year then celebrated with Lemonade and corn on the cob. Fireworks are mentioned in the Little House on the Prairie series,
though I doubt it approached the grand displays we have today.
Lemons had to come up from Florida , Texas and California and were not readily available so that must have been quite a treat.
Apple pies and cakes rounded out the celebration with steaming cups of hot coffee and cold glasses of foaming milk for the children.

It is my hope that Americans bring back the habit of reading the Declaration of Independence on the 4th each year. It does not take a lot of time and since it is a document that founded this great nation, and one that was paid for with a very heavy price , it is almost a disgrace not to read it. And so many have never read it.
Children and grandchildren should be made aware of what the day stands for else it becomes just another day off.
Like Memorial Day and Veterans Day, all the great holidays, we and our children should understand the great significance behind them and never let them fall by the wayside as just another day off from work and school. We should never take this knowledge for granted.
We need to teach these things to our children and their children and make it a tradition that does not die.

I wish you a happy and liberty filled day in celebration of the birthday of the United States of America.