z Cottage by the Sea : Just another day in Paradise
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just another day in Paradise

The bay at mid day
How in the world is it January 26 already? It was just new years eve last night I could swear. But, January is almost over and it seems that time is flying by far too quickly.
We are snowing, sleeting,raining and in general its a cold windy awful winter this year. I suppose the only perk is that the cold kills off the armies of ticks that bring Lyme. At least that is what they say.
Who is 'they' anyway. We just never really find out do we?

Fun question I came across, "If you could paint your car any color with no loss in value, what color would it be?"

Well it would be a huge loss in value, but, I would like to paint a Rolls Royce  in MAACO's  Plum Crazy. Its a purple color with flecks in it.
I would have fuzzy dice on the rear view mirror and neon in purple or pink on the undercarriage.
Definitely  a bobble head doll in the back window .
An AOOOGA horn. Oh yes.. something really tacky.
Vanity plates with something totally doofy on them.
Why?  Just tickles me to think of the whole scenario. imagine it parked at Walmart?
Well just being silly.  But what would YOU do to a car if you could afford to really mess it up good?

Purple rolls.. hmm. Who knew!
 Now my idea is not as nice as this to the left.
This is pretty shnazzy. 


  1. Hi Annie, Yeah who is "they" lol I would paint my car pink. I actually would love one of those little T Birds in pink. That is my dream car :) Sweet dreams! Hugs, Dru

  2. LOL! "They" think they know everything don't they... Now I could just picture a Jaguar in a soft muted rose with deep rose leather interior. The Jaguar is the car of my dreams. ;-} Have a lovely evening my friend. Hugs

  3. Hi Annie your new header is gorgeous. I would paint my car silver I think or maroon red. You mad me LOL over the car being parked at Walmart. that is to funny! I like the color of the old car that is shnazzy! I am saying the same thing to my husband it's almost February I can't believe it.
    have a wonderful weekend. Big hugs


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