z Cottage by the Sea : Beachy Views
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Beachy Views

Wind Speed: 15 knots Wind Direction: NW Condition: Knee high
Sea State: Moderate chop Ocean Temp: 77F Wave Height: 3 ft
Air Temperature:80F

Walking to the Ocean.........

Hope your day is going beautifully......


  1. Now if that scene doesn't remind of "Summer of '42" I don't know what does. Wonderful photo Annie. Hope your day is a beautiful one too. ;-}

  2. Hi Annie,
    Lovely picture I hope you walk to the ocean was a great one. Have a wonderful day.
    Hugs, Dru

  3. Hi Annie! East Coast beaches always seem different to me. It seems like you have more foilage (those reedy-like grassed and wooden fences seem common too. Our SoCal beaches are really just stretches of sand. On many cases sand was brought in, I think, to make the sand fine and soft. That waterfall spot in my photo has a fairly easy path down so it would be safe to be there. (((Hugz)))

  4. Hi Annie! I loved your beach photo. I can just envision walking there. If I could choose where to live, it would be right by the ocean. So peaceful!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend, & manage to stay cool. Hugs!

  5. Happy Friday Annie!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend. I have beem meaning to ask you about your political blog. Where can I go to it??
    Hugs, Dru

  6. Ciao Annie. What a lovely beach photo! :)
    Have a lovely 1st day of August ahead!

  7. I love your beach views, Annie! Hope you are staying cool with all those ocean breezes!


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