z Cottage by the Sea : Furniture Painting
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Furniture Painting

In preparation for moving I am going to paint some furniture. Hopefully I will be able to paint a TV armoir which I have turned into a linen cabinet in white and also 4 French country dining chairs , also in white. Then, I will reupholster the seats on the chairs, a simple job.
I have to re-paint my desk also  as I did a very bad job the first time. 
I found these instructions at Better Homes and Gardens, which I subscribe to online and thought I would reproduce a section here in case you also might have something to paint.
These are the instructions for painting over wood furniture:

photo: Better Homes and Gardens

Wood Furniture

If the surface is already painted or varnished, remove dirt or wax buildup with a household cleaner and rinse. Sand rough areas and wipe away dust with a tack cloth. Apply two coats of stain-blocking primer and allow it to dry between coats. Roll or brush on two coats of latex paint in the direction of the wood grain. Use a brush to finish the surface with smooth strokes. For furniture or cabinetry that will receive heavy use (like kitchen cabinets that are opened on a daily basis), it's a good idea to seal the finish with two coats of polyurethane.

I think the photo shows a great way to display children and grandchildren's art work too.  Its far more valuable than any professional painting you could buy.
Now to find the will and the energy to start this job.


  1. Good luck painting your furniture, Annie! I know what a big job this is as I painted a chest once. It will be worth the effort though as a fresh coat of paint makes everything look new!

    I am a BH&G subscriber for years and years :0) It's one of my favorite magazines.

  2. Hi Annie;

    I'm sure with your wonderful artistic talent your furniture will look just as good if not better than the photo. I too like the way they display the children's artwork. ;-}

  3. Hi Annie! I do wish you would share before & after photos of your painted furniture. I bet it will look wonderful!

    I have Emily's artwork everywhere! Elliot doesn't like to draw or color. Emily is so artistic for her age. I'm getting ready to make a photo book of her artwork. I so agree with you - it's better than any professional painting, & the pride & joy that it brings to children when we hang their artwork, is priceless!

    Have a wonderful Thursday Annie! Hugs

  4. Hi Annie,
    Great idea about painting your furniture. Yes pictures please of before and after. My Dad was a furniture refinisher and he was so talented. Hope you have a great day!
    Hugs, Dru

  5. Have fun painting your furniture, Annie! :) I agree with you, kids art works are far more valuable than any professional painting you could ever buy. And it's the best gift someone could receive 'cos in each painting a kid puts his heart and soul :)


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