z Cottage by the Sea : Wishing
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, August 8, 2011


Prince Edward Island

The Snow Birds are usually retired couples who spend their winters in Florida and return to New Jersey for the summer. Our beaches are wonderful, that is usually why they choose NJ. Many are originally from NJ.
But of late, global warming or not, NJ has gotten very hot in the summertime. That was not always the case as far back as I can remember and that's eons! But, our winters were colder and the lakes were iced over most of the winter for good ice skating and sledding. Summers were not nearly as humid or much over 85 F . Now they are very humid. We are, amazingly a semi-tropical state, especially here in the south were we parallel Maryland and Delaware. We are humid and green, very green!
Cavendish beach on Gulf of St Lawrence PEI
But with the summers now so doggone hot, you do not open windows much as the A/C is on a good deal of the time. What good is summer if you are enclosed in a box?
To me the joy of summertime is open windows, beautiful breezes and the smell of flowers.
So it occured to me that my ideal year would be summers spent in Canada, particularly in British Columbia or, even more wonderfully, in Prince Edward Island, which is my second home and a place I love very dearly.
I don't have a home there in actuality, but my heart lives there all year round. It is a good place and the spirit there is good.
Key West, Florida

Winters would be spent in   Key West? Oh Yes!

The Berkshires in Massachusetts

Autumn in NJ is beautiful for sure,
but I would opt for a home in Massachusetts or Maine for
maximum Autumn wonderfulness.
Spring.. I am not sure where. Maybe still Key West.
I wish it were possible to spend time in so many different places. They are all so lovely.
But I am not a millionaire or anything approaching it.

So I will have to pretend.

Okay, now it is your turn. Where would you spend each season of the year, or are you happy right where you are? And if you would go somewhere, why would you go?


  1. Our NY weather is a lot like yours. The winters have been brutal and the summers hot and humid. There are quite a few snow birds here too especially the senior couples. Most spend the winters in Florida. Even my Canadian cousins spend their winters in Florida. I would rather spend my winters in San Jose, CA. I love it there. As for the summer I'm still thinking on it. But most likely by the ocean somewhere. But most likely I will never get to CA or have an ocean view anymore. As for Autumn and Spring, I would stay in upstate NY. Your photo of the Berkshires could also be any place here. ;-}

  2. My heart --my kids and grand kids-- are in Colorado, so I would love to live there part of the year. I love the four seasons so I would miss that if I lived where they didn't occur, and Colorado has four seasons' I just wish winter wouldn't seem so long. I think if I could I'd like to go somewhere warmer in winter for a few months..not hot ..just warmer..Key West sounds like fun! :)

  3. Hi Annie,
    I agree about Autumn in MA. I was there last during that time of the year and it was beautiful. I really love my home in So Cal but if I were RICH I would have a Winter home in Maui, Spring on the Island of St Johns in the Carbbean and Summer right up the coast in Carmel or Santa Barbara actually a home in each city. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.
    Hugs, Dru

  4. I'd pick a different place each year. I love new places and having the time to explore them.

  5. Great post Annie, I wish I could spend summer somewhere else well at least this summer although I love this area. I have read that the PNW is wonderful this time of the year so I would probably move there 2 or 3 months, particularly July & August. I love all the other seasons here. I have always been living near the ocean so I would miss it terribly in places like Colorado unless it was near a very big lake!

  6. I am a Buckeye..Ohio.. and sadly have never been anywhere else. I have loved reading your blog and seeing the beautiful pictures you post. I get to dream of being in another place through your pictures and discriptions...thank you

  7. Hi Annie! Jeff and I engage in this same fantasy all the time. We love our home in California because we have so many options just a matter of a couple of hours drive. We can be at the beach or drive to ski in the local mountains or visit the desert of Palm Springs- all in one day! But, we would love a ;og cabin home in Colorado where we could dabble in winter, an ocean view home in Maui, an autumn farm in Connecticut and maybe a yacht where we could experience many, many places! :) Ahhhh! :)

  8. Hi Annie! I loved your fantasy & the photos that went with it. I have to give this one some thought. I'm sure my answers would all have CA in it, as I do love it there. Although, Fall in Massachusetts would be so lovely. Fall is my favorite season.

    We have the heat, but we don't have the humidity (of which I am thankful!).

    Have a lovely day Annie. Hugs!

  9. Ciao Annie, lovely photos! While in the US, I loved Summer in Cape Cod and Fall in Maryland :)
    If possible (having the time and money) I'd love to see the world, all of it! ;D
    Thanks for your visit. I admit I had never heard of "old coot" before. I saw on the dictionary that it means a foolish person or an eccentric old man. On Good Words it says: "The coot is an unloved and unlovely aquatic bird that shares habitat and migration patterns with ducks. Among duck hunters, the coot is considered a pest and a distraction. It is also a truly ugly and awkward bird, and virtually inedible to most people. So to call someone an "old coot" is to label them as a pest, unattractive, sort of an unwelcome hanger-on. Also, the coot is reluctant to fly, and when it does, it makes a great commotion in its attempt to get airborne, running across the water and flapping frantically. "Old coot" may also, therefore, suggest an old man who is slow to rise and reluctant to move."
    Have a lovely rest of the week, will be back to see your recipes :D


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