z Cottage by the Sea : Friday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, September 16, 2011


 Branch of  Phragmites by the bay

The township is cutting down limbs that cross over power wires today and has been all week. All through Irene I was worried about some of the trees pulling down the thick wires that crossed over to my house. Because the water table along the Jersey Shore is so high, they cannot put cables underground and so we still have the old fashioned electric and telephone wires, etc.
Its nice to watch them in their cherry pickers cutting down the limbs so neatly. They really do a great job.
As I was coming back from a run to the bank the Merry Baby had to know exactly what the guys were doing. She is 3 1/2 now and in a 2 hour program twice a week where they color and play little games. It is in the same school her older sister, the Famous Anonymous Kid attends.
I love to hear how they think and see the world through their eyes. To me a long conversation with a tiny person is just about the most special thing there is. They see so much around them.
Nothing special going on this weekend, just a quite time.
I hope your weekend is lovely.

Please take a look at Miss Janice's blog for something very important that I hope we can all take part it doing.
The Bert Show out of Atlanta is trying to get everyone to send a hand written thank you note to our troops deployed overseas in time for Thanksgiving. So take a look at the information you need in order to participate. Takes only a little time and would mean so much to a soldier far from home.


  1. Happy Sunday Annie!
    I have always called children our little guru's they have so much insight that as adults we seem to loose. I would ask my son when he was really little about what he would think about certain situation and he was always right on. Funny about the lines, they other day I was in my son's back yard at their new house and noticed those wires to polls in some of the backyards in their neighborhood for the first time in years. Mine have been underground where I live for years now. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.
    Hugs, Dru

  2. Seeing the world through a kid's eyes is always so special, isn't it? :)
    Have a happy and sunny official-end-of-summer week ahead!

  3. Happy Monday Annie;

    Here in our neighborhood there is a lot of cleaning up and fixing of roads due to "Irene". Some places have really suffered property and business losses and it was hard watching what families are going through.

    I too love having conversations with little ones. They are such a joy. I miss not having any around anymore.

    I will definitely check out Miss Janice's Blog regarding a note to deployed troops. That's a great idea. Thanks for the info.

    I just returned home from spending the morning shopping with my son and what made it enjoyable was he decided to take a ride around the country side before going to the supermarket and we got to see some pretty tinges of color starting in some of the trees. It was such a nice change from the past few weeks.

    Have a lovely beginning of the week my friend. Hugs

  4. Hi Annie! Most of the utilities where we live are underground since it's a newer area. I used to worry about Jeff at work if there were downed power lines. I have a fear of electrocution... guess most people would. ;) Merry Baby is a little younger than Ryan who will be 4 in October. Jacob turns 2 this Thursday. Enjoy the week ahead! (((Hugz)))


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