z Cottage by the Sea : Kids
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I love this commercial and can relate to it a lot and it touches my heart.

What about you?


  1. Love it, too! First of all, it's so true that before you know it, they are teenagers! I remember buying our first Volvo when Justin was born... we had a little VW bug but wanted a safe car for him. We had a couple other Volvos along the way for the same reason. When Justin got his 1st car, I was happy he wanted a SUV and we got one with the big brush guard on the front. I was happy it was a big safe car. Later, after college he got a Spyder convertible! Oy! (((Hugz)))

  2. Hi Annie I love that commercial because it reminds me of how I felt when my two kids took off alone in a car. It still scares me when I think of how I felt those days. I have never had a Volvo though. Have a great weekend. hugs

  3. Hi Annie,
    I do love thus commercial! It is so true. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and the weather treats you kindly.
    Hugs, Dru

  4. Oh yes! I too love that commercial. I remember well the first time my kids got behind the wheel.
    I like the way you did your header. Have a lovely weekend dear friend. Hugs

  5. Oh yes, I love this commercial too!! It reminds me very much of my daughter and husband.
    Take care, have a happy weekend!HUGS

  6. I love this one too. My granddaughter is driving now and it really reminds me of her.

  7. Cute commercial, indeed! :) Happy day!

  8. This commercial always makes me smile. so sweet. Hugs and wishes for a beautiful week! xo


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