z Cottage by the Sea : Fireworks!
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I can hear the finale of the fireworks at the park near me. Loud! I didn't realize there were any so I didn't plan to go. Since I am a big kid, I am feeling left out and sorry for myself about it. This will necessitate a cup of tea to soothe my feelings.
But I will go see them by the bay on the 4th. From the cove you can see 6 towns all at once and the ocean town fireworks.

It's a huge day for me. One of my all time favorite holidays. My friend and I will be barbecuing in the yard with hot dogs and home made french fries. I will make a red white and blue cake for dessert and there will be all the fixings that are purely American: potato salad, cole slaw and sweet iced tea.

Though we are on the bay, our towns each own an ocean front beach as well as

bayside. It is part of the barrier island that separates us from the Atlantic Ocean. Our bay is narrow and shallow. The island is slim in width but many miles long and most of it kept pristine with foxes, all kinds of birds, huge high dunes and just lovely all around.

Speaking of my friend, she just made me two gorgeous glass wind chimes.
She had a glass man cut the lengths of glass and then she hung them from ... well I will show you a photo of them tomorrow since it is dark now and they will photograph better in the daytime.
They are unfinished as I must hang Swarovski crystals and ribbon on them. She thought that since I don't get out much and am kind of bored because of my back, that I would enjoy finishing them off.
She is right! I will.


  1. Hi Annie! Sounds like you live in a fantastic place! I can just picture it my mind. :) I too am a big kid at heart and love the fireworks. The 4th of July wouldn't be the same without them. I hope you have a great Thursday! I can't wait to see a picture of your wind chimes.


  2. Hi Annie,
    Fireworks already? We get a front seat view at my son's house they live up in the Burbank Hills and the Starlight Bowl has a show every year. Your BBQ on the 4th sounds great! The food has my mouth watering right now :) I am off to read todays post and see the windchimes. Hugs, Dru

  3. Hi Annie;

    Sounds like a lovely holiday time for you. I used to love and sit by the lake watching fireworks at night on the 4th. with my mom and family at the Town Hall park where I worked as Dep. Town Clerk. We always had our holiday picnics there with many other friends. I do miss those days. Nowadays I just watch TV to see the fireworks. Off to see your later post. Hugs


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