z Cottage by the Sea : Fourth Fun
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fourth Fun

daughter's profile as we wait for nightfall
July 4 was a very nice day. I had lunch with a friend in the early afternoon. Hamburgers, hot dogs and french fries. I made apple pie for dessert.
At suppertime we had  steak barbequed in chipotle  and grilled veggies.
Later in the evening we sat on the dock and watched the firefires from several towns. You have a great view for miles around and we saw them on the ocean beach and in the small towns along the coast line.
There were Chinese fire balloons also. Those are wonderful as they rise higher and higher and sail out over the ocean.
There was a bit of excitement as a rather big fish came brushing up the dock. I did not get a look at what it was but, big. And the baby , Sarah had a 3 second romp along the very edge of the bulkhead until a chorus of loud voices warned her in no uncertain terms! That was the end of that experiment for her.  Kids have to flirt with danger no matter what.
I took this photo of my daughter with her long dark ponytail floating  in the breeze.It didn't come out as I thought, however.
"sitting on the dock of the bay"
Sailboats were anchored in the cove for the night, or the week.  It's a lovely place to be especially in the evening then the cooler breezes blow in off the ocean.
It keeps bugs away and is very refreshing too.
We had a great time and  and about 10:30  went for ice cream. Sarah , who had waited so many hours to be able to have the ice cream went 'shluffy' (to sleep) in the back seat of the car..  . Poor little baby missed her ice cream anyway.

Just after that a terrible thunder and lightning storm hit. It didn't last long but it was loud and the lightning was terrible!


  1. Hi Annie,
    Your 4th sounds lovely! I posted on FB pictures of at the BBQ and pool yesterday. In the evening we watched the fireworks from the front yard. Poor baby fell alseep before getting ice cream:( Hope you have a wonderful Thursday.
    Hugs, Dru

  2. What a lovely 4th of July indeed, glad you enjoyed your evening!

  3. Hi Annie! Happy Friday! You're 4th sounds absolutely wonderful. Have a great weekend! Hugs.

  4. What a perfect 4th you had Annie. I can feel the breeze coming off the ocean. Your photos make me wish I was there. Have a lovely Friday my friend. Hugs

  5. Hi Annie, Sounds like a peaceful 4th on the water. We had a quiet evening, getting use to the time change. Hawaii was wonderful and I am working on web page pictures now. I like how you use the old fashion scrap book effect with the pictures. What program do you use? Have a great week! Hugs


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